Chapter 2 - Mistake

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That guy is a nerdd but I have to admit it that he is hot like very hot!

Now I have to make my hair cause ...

"You've got a message" ugh what does she ..

Unknown - So my little baby is having a party tonight. Can't wait xxxxx

Who the hell is that? Jack is messing around again for sure. Oh imma cut his hair off ...


- Analia -

Who the hell can that be? Imma just text back .

From Analia

To unkn.... fuck wait I CAN'T TEXT BACK! It's from a unknown number ugh ... "no shit Sherlock" the voice in my mind said. Oh Lord now I can hear voices ...

I tried to forget about that no one who texted me and I made my way to school. Few minutes later someone called me . It was Mattias. Wait how did he found my number ? And how do I have him in my phone? "oh well idk maybe you have a bestfriend who is Sarah and Mattias likes her and ..." ok can u just shut up.

M- Mattias

A- Analia

M- uhm ... h..he..y...

A- uhm, hmm, hey. Oh Jesus just say what do you want  - I said annoyed-

M- uhmm I just wanna ask you If is ok if I come tonight ? -his voice was shaking as it was -5 degrees outside-

A- Can I say no ? - i said a lil bit annoyed again-

M- uhmm I guess ...

A- stop with that "uhmm" every time are u moaning or what??! - seriously was he moaning? uhmmm uhmmm uhmmm -

M- what no no of course not ... I just , yeah, I guess that u can say no if u want...

A- ok then. no

M- wait wait i mean ... - i cut him off -

A- stay chill dude u can come

M- omg omg thank youuu so much Analia!! - oh this dude was gayyyyy-

I hung up and I walked to the door. I really wanted to stay in bed today but nooo I have Lora to tell me what to do . As I entered the class Sarah was on Matti's lap ( I know I just said Matti but is cuter this way) . I don't even know what class I have? Was it math or biology or?

"heyyyyyy there . You can say hi back you know" I heard the most annoying voice ever. And that voice was ...

"uhmm hello I'm talking to you " PATRICIA. Not again . She is  the biggest slut in this school. I know I said that Sarah was a bitch but she is a friendly one , but Patricia is soooo annoying. She can't be friendly one second! We hate each other since 3th grade. I don't even know why she hates me so much I mean I am smart . "yeah right" oh shut up. I am cute "sureeee"I said shut up. I am ... "ok ok stop there" Gosh shut your mouth! Damn I'm talking with myself ...

"oh hey Patricia" I said waiting Miley Cyrus to come here and hit her with that Wrekinggg Ballll

" What's up shorty?"she asked me with a smirk on her face ? Shorty ? Are you kidding me? I am way taller than her but what kind of conversation can we have with a girl like her ...

" Ok Patricia stop. What have I done that u hate me so much?"

"Don't act like you don't know Hope" like I don't know. I have no idea what is she talking about ...

"Well I  don't so please make it clear "

"I don't have to make anything clear Hope. You know very good what you've done so stop the act ok?" dudeee can you stop acting like a total slut and just tell me what the actual fuck have I done???!!! Ugh God take me now . "ok my dear" nononoo ( she's confident nonono lol sorry I had to)  wait I'm kidding . Ok Analia you have to stop talking with God...

"You know what? Fine! I don't give a unicorn anymore! If you don't wanna tell me just keep it for yourself and leave me alone!" ughh

I really wanna get out of here and go God knows where. And that's what I'm going to do.

"Hey Sarah I'm out of here!!"I screamed at her. I don't think that she heard me but nevermind.

I got out of class and walked to the door. I don't really know where I wanna go. Home? Nahhh not until tonight . Park?  Naww too boring . Shopping? It's monday but ok let's go ... I think that imma take the shortest way , just 7 hours until the party and ...

"No wait please I'm begging you just let me go!!" I heard someone screaming from a dark street. "Don't go in there" the voice in my mind said. Yeah right ... I wanna see what's going on . "Don't be stupid Analia" ok u know what? U're pissing me off . I headed to the street when I saw 3 men. One of them was on his knees and the other 2 where in front of him.

" Just give me 5 more days please!" the one man screamed again. What is going on?

"5 days ... hmmm .. let me think. No " a tall guy said to him. After few seconds he pulled out a gun and pointed at him. Wait what? A gun!!? "I told you to don't go in there " ok ok you did now stop.

" Please Dark I swear that I'll pay all the money just give me 5 ore days!" money. Everything is about the money. What is this a #moneyteam ?!  So his name was Dark . What kind of name is that? Were his parents drunk when they named him!?

" Ok listen here Clarkson. 5 more days. No more. If you're late say goodbye to your little family" Dear Lord those guys were criminals! "no shit Sherlock" the voice in my head said again. You really like Sherlock don't you?!! I wanted to cry so hard right now , I started sobbing.

"What was that" that Dark guy asked his friend. Oh fuck fuck they heard me I'm dead. I wanna run. "don't run they'll come after you" ughhhh . I just did the biggest mistake ever. I ran.

" Hey youuu stop there!! Derek go get him. Or her. Or who da fuck that it is !!!"

"What?? Why me ? You go I'll stay!!"

"Ughhh fuck you bro. Waiittt stop right there or I'll shoot you!!" the guys screamed after me. He told me to stop and so I did . I was so scared all I wanted was to be home . I heard steps behind my back and suddently I saw a shadow.

"Turn around"  he said to me.God what should I do? "Turn around now!!" He screamed. He was really angry and scared at the same time. I can tell. I turned and I saw a guy taller than me. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Muscled and very tattooed.

"You?!!" ...


HEEEYYYY GUYS!! I am so happy. Today I saw that 7 people had read my story and 1 of them voted. I know that is not much but for me that means a lot. Seriously. Like I said I really want this to work (:

SOOOOO monday I'll post chapter 3 . I really hope that u can read it and that u want to read it .

U can message me on kik - beadlesalexandra

Instagram - alexandrabeadles

I don't have twitter anymore so ...

Thank you all for reading and see ya monday xx (:

- love u -


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