Chapter 4 - I'm sorry

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-Jason -

" I ... I can't ... I'm sorry ..I'm sorry that I saw everything I'm sorry that I was there I'm so sorry just please don't do anything to me! lease don't kill me I wont tell anyone I promise. I won't call the police... i promise ..." she said now crying. Oh God no I can't see a girl cry . Well actually I can but not her. Cmon Analia stop crying for God Sake...

"Ok ok it's ok it's fine" ughh Jason stay calm just be nice once . "Cmon baby girl stop crying" She was now looking at me with red puffy eyes. "Oh come here" I opened my arms for a hug. She stond there probably shocked by my action but she practically jumped in my arms and began to cry again."Try to calm down to we can talk babe cmon " ....

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jason -

This can't happend to me. Maybe I am a criminal but I can't see a girl cry. It's just killing me.I have to admit that she is cute. Wait? What am I talking about? She is gorgeous , even when she's crying , oh if you could see her. I really want to know what was in her head when she came here!

"Are you done crying?" I asked looking down at her. She looked back at me with her red puffy eyes. Oh she's like a little baby when she's crying and she's just so ..... oh God Dammit Jason wake up man! You barely know her ! Just stay focused you idiot!

"I just ... yeah , yeah I think I'm done" God she's gorgeous. Ugh I have to control my hormomes Jesus. After a few seconds her body started to shake again . She wasn't lookng at me anymore. She turned around, her back facing me and her hair hanging over her shoulders. "Please... just , please let me go , I won't tell anyone !" now she turned back to me "Please! Just let me leeave and I'll shut my mouth! Please .. " oh . If she thinks that I'll let her go after all she saw back there , man I'm telling you , this chick is on drugs.

"Nope , sorry , can't do babe , you saw way too much , now cmon , get up and let's go "


" cmon , get up and let's go " Ugh I have to get up and ... wait . Let's go . Let's go !? Where does this freak wants me to go.

"Let's go !!? Are you crazy ? Oh you think that I'll actually go with you?" I said kinda screaming . He was just looking at me and suddenly a smirk appears on his face. Is this dude bipolar? He just stond there looking at me and started to laugh.

"Hahah , you are so funny . Now cmon get your pretty ass up and let's go" ok he's serious. "Cmon babe get up" nah thanks I'm fine. Oh Lord Analia even when you're about to be kidnapped you speak sarcasm. " Wait wait hooolddd on" I said now getting up . "First of all, stop calling me babe , I'm not your babe" I said with my *I'm serious bro* face. "Sure , babe " ok that didn't worked.

He grabbed me by my arm and started walking towards a black Range Rover. I wanted to escape but he was way too strong. " What do you think you're doing!?" I told him. There's no way I'm getting in that car with him.

"Me? Oh well I don't know let's see. I'm walking towards my car . What are you doing?" he said not even looking at me. Waw. I'm the only one who can speak fluent sarcasm here Mr. Kidnapper so stop trying.We got to his car and he opened the door for me. Oh what a gentleman.

"Cmon get in" yeah right. I just stond there looking at him. He was now looking at me with a mad face. "I just told you to . Don't make me repeat myself." Now he was getting mad . I can tell. "Get the fuck in this damn car you whore!" he said screaming. Did he just called me a whore?I got mad and really scared at the same time so I just got in.

After 20 mins of driving , he stopped at a red light , turned his head towards me and whispered loud enough for me to hear. "I'm sorry..." yeah , right , and I'm Barak Obama. I didn't even bothered to answer. " I said that I'm sorry" he said now a little but louder. No my friend I'm not going to answer you. " Are you for real right now? Are you giving me the silent treatment?" Yes. Yes I am.

"Fine then, fuck off..." and he started to drive like crazy. After about 10 min I could't stop myself and ...


Hey guys !! I am really ultra mega sorry. I couldn't post this month cause of some problems but I'm back!!! Are happy ?? I know youuu areee !!! :D

Now thank you all of reading and share this if you like it. I'm gonna post CHAPTER 5 at 400 READS :)

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