With Cross

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Glitch was chilling on the couch, watching anime. Until she heard Risk enter the living room, "Sis, where the hell did you put my phone?!" He asked her, Glitch pointed at the bathroom and he walked over there, he must've need it for something.
After a few hours, Glitch was bored, watching TV was boring, it was always MTT's show.

"Risk! I'm going somewhere!" Glitch called out as she got up and put on her usual clothing. "Don't get hurt like last time." Risk answered. Glitch left the house and noticed a portal by a tree, 'it wasn't there before..' She thought. Glitch walked up to the portal, "hm, Risk never told me that there was a portal her-- AHH SH---..." then was sucked in.

"Ow.. My stupid head.." Glitch moaned in pain (not the dirty way XD) and grabbed their head, until they heard footsteps, *Hello, Glitch.* as they came closer... Glitch stayed still, she couldn't even recognize the voice! Glitch thought for a moment, then answered, "Cross?" Glitch rub her eyes so they could focus and manage to see Cross, in front of her, then she blushed lightly. Cross was confused, Glitch had never visit him in the void, yet. Only in Alternative universes. *W-what are you doing here?* he asked, nervously. "Dunno, I just saw a weird portal. Got sucked in and boom! I'm here." Glitch replied as she got up on her feet. "W-what are you doing here??" *Eh.. There is nothing much to do here.. Why don't we go to your place?* Cross looked at her as she looked away. "Um..okay sure, but I don't know if my brother..Risk...will approve it.. But we can!" Glitch smiled brightly.

Cross walked closer the Glitch, 'what in the world is he doing!' Glitch thought and blushed. Cross then touched Glitch's hair and stroked her hair softly. *Your hair is so soft!* he said as he let go of Glitch's hair.

*Sorry if short! I'll try better next tem.*

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