|insert chapter name, since i cant thing of one.|

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(IM SOOO HELLA SORRY! IM JUST TOO BUSY TO FINISH THIS. But you may ask, but "Trashyyy, why did you post a chapter of the underswap!sans x reader?" Well that's because the people who read it were probably impatient. So I'll try too finish this. Anddd, *COUGH COUGH* CON'SIN'DER *COUGH COUGH* SOMETHING. if you notice what I did there then Good4U )

Cross P.O.V.
I let go of Glitch's hair. *Can you make a portal yet?* i asked. She nodded yes, and summoned one right behind me, I almost fell down, (dammit Glitch!) "O-oh! I'm so sorry! I don't know how to summon portals carefully yet!" She panicked. *n-no, it's okay! I've seen worst!* especially the time Ink summoned a portal right under me, I like Nightmare's way better, but, another portal like Glitch's can help.

Suddenly, I grabbed Glitch's arm, and I felt something weird...Was I blushing? I turned to see Glitch hugging me, I suddenly blushed purple.

We fell down. Glitch was right on top of me and quickly got off. "I'm soooo sorry!" She worried. I stood back up and heard a noise, I quickly summoned my giant knife, and Glitch summoned her weapon too. "What is it?" She said as we were back to back.
*i-i don't know.* I suddenly said. Then something came out, a skeleton?!

  "Risk! What the hell are you doing here?" Glitch said, demanding a answer, Risk sighed deeply.

"I wasn't spying on you guys! I was spying on the birds! See? Spying on the birds! And when you two "love birds" appeared, you guys ruined the moment!"He said in frustration. "Glitch, we need to talk about this. Um...?" Risk looked up at me(rip. Risk is short.). *oh.. Right! I'm Cross. I came here with Glitch, because we tried to travel somewhere, but ended up in  your universe. So I'm not gonna CROSS-over your stuff, or au anymore.* I laughed at my own pun, Risk did too.

  Right! How can I be this stupid?(lol, I just realized that Glitch was in RiskTale, too)

Glitch was in this Au! Which means that, when I want to see her, or talk to her, she has to talk to me first, then we can go somewhere. L-like a date..?
The thought of a date made me expose my blush, but Risk was already gone.

     And...Glitch...? She disappeared.

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