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We were way to excited about the premiere tonight. I mean Emily even let me put makeup on her. And she never lets anyone do that. We had stayed at Emily's apartment last night so we could get ready early. In the end these were our outfits...

 In the end these were our outfits

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And we looked A-mazing

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And we looked A-mazing. We were in her living room waiting for the limo. That's right they payed to have us escorted in a limo with a couple of movie stars. We didn't know who we were with yet but either way they were famous and it would be fun.
"The limos here" Emily said looking out the window. I was trying to hold in my excitement but it was hard.
"Let's go!" I said grabbing her wrist and dragging her to the limo.
"Emma slow down" she said laughing at how excited I was
"Never if you can go crazy over a skateboard I can go crazy over this!" I said smiling as we reached the limo, and the driver opened the door for us. We sat down, Emily was looking out the window, I looked in front of us to see Daniel Radcliffe, and Tom Felton.
"Emily! Emily!" I said shaking her
"What? Oh hello I suggest you cover your ears for a moment" Emily said smiling. Dan covered his ears, but Tom smiled back at her and then covered his ears.
"OH MY GOSH!" I yelled
"You got it all out now?" Emily asked
"I think so" I said smiling
"Ok you can uncover your ears" she said as the boys uncovered their ears
"How come you aren't screaming like that?" Tom asked
"Because I have met famous people before and I already knew all they would tell me about them, although Do has she yet she acts like this" Emily said motioning to me
"But you know who these people are right" Emma asked
"Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe, aka Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter" Emily said in a duh tone
"Exactly!" I said happily
"Oh sorry I'm Emma and this is Emily" I said smiling
They smiled back. Tom seemed to be interested in Emily.
"So if I were to tell you I had a dog you could tell me it's name is..."
"Timber" Emily cut off Tom
"Or that I went to..."
"Howard Of Effingham school" Emily said cutting Tom off once more. She smirked. Tom looked speechless. Dan cracked a laugh, which Emily tried to not laugh either.
"Ok so now that Tom has been annoying, are you girls actresses or something?" Dan asked
"We're popular Harry Potter YouTubers" I said happily
"Hmm... interesting" dan said looking at me which made a small blush creep up on to my cheeks. Luckily there was enough foundation that you couldn't see it.
"Hey can I see your phone Emily?" Tom asked
"Whatever" She said throwing him her phone lightly. He typed in some stuff then handed it back to her she looked at her phone to see what he had done. She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow at him. I looked over her shoulder to see Tom had put his number in her contacts. We arrived at the theater and me and Emily got out first. I was almost blinded by camera lights. We walked though the first part some what fast. Then there was the fans. We walked over to the section where the fans were to get autographs signed. We walked around the corner to hear a loud ROR of screaming as we came upon the fan section. We started to sign autographs. I could get used to this.
"This is fun" Emily said. I nodded agreeing. We finished signing autographs and taking pictures now it was time for the news people. We walked around the corner to soon be surrounded by news reporters.
"Do you girls like having all this attention on you?" A reporter asked
"Yes" I said
"Meh... I'm not much for attention" Emily said shrugging her shoulders.
"What about those dresses have any boys like seeing you in them?" Another reporter asked
"Not sure that's more of a question to ask the guys here" Emily said
"Well do you two have boyfriends?" Another reporter asked
"Nope we single Pringles" Emily said we n a sing song voice
"Oh look it's Tom Felton" a reporter said walking away. Some of the reporters walked with them but some stayed.
"So no boyfriends, are you looking for some?" A guy asked
"Not really" Emily said
"I want to I just don't think anyone thinks of me that way" I said smiling
"Oh it's Daniel Radcliffe" a reporter said and they all walked away.
"That wasn't so bad" I said
"Not really I felt a little uncomfortable with them asking about boyfriends" Emily said sadly. No one had ever loved her like that mean while I have had multiple boyfriends. All of them worst then the last.
"Hello girls" Daniel said
"Hello" we said in unison
"How are you girls liking all the attention" Tom asked
"It's nice" I said
"Hell no if I ever come to another premiere I'm wearing a hoodie and sun glasses to not let anyone see me" Emily said. Tom laughed at her weirdness. I just rolled my eyes.
"Let me guess they just asked you all the questions about what we look like since we couldn't answer them?" I asked
"Basically" they said in unison
"Well there's nothing left to do other than walk around and talk" Tom said
"Or while you do that I'll go prank someone" Emily said
"No, no, no, no, no, no! You will not prank anyone tonight" I said
"What! Don't you know me! I have to prank someone, preferably the reporters for asking such personal questions" Emily said
"Yes but you will not embarrass me" I said trying to hold Emily back.
"Fine but can I at lest talk about pranks?" She asked
"Fine, sure as long as you don't pull any." I said firmly
"Why don't Dan and Emma get to know each other and I can lean more about you" Tom said looking at Emily
"Sure..." she said confused
They walked of to go talk.
"What did she mean by personal questions?" Dan asked
"They asked us stuff about boyfriends and she is sensitive to that stuff" I said
"Because she went though a brake up?" Dan asked
"No because she's never had a boyfriend before, yet I have and have already had my first kiss when she hasn't" I said looking down. I could feel him staring at me. Then they let all the people in and soon the special guest. Tom and Emily soon caught up with us. We all walked in together. The boys left to go to their seats. I was about to keep walking when dan grabbed my wrist, and handed me a piece of paper. He walked off and I opened it up, it said
(•••)-•••-••• call me some time
Emily saw and wiggled her eye brows at me making me blush. I sat down and added the contact to my phone. This was going to be a night to remember...

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