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I woke up to Emily's alarm going off.
*yawn* I looked over to Emily. But she looked like she was about to have a heart attack. I jumped up.
"Emily are you ok" I said rushing over to her.
"W-what's ha-happening to m-me?" She asked
"What's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on her head to see if she had a temperature. She was warm but not hot.
"I got a t-text f-from Tom... a-and I started s-sweating and m-my pulse got s-super high" She said. I just laughed.
"This isn't funny! I could be dead any second now!" She yelled.
"Emily your not dying" I said smiling
"I-Im not?" She asked
"No, your in love Emily!" I said hugging her
"No! I can't be! But what does it matter he'll never feel the same." She said holding her knees up to her chest.
"Hold on" I said getting up and leaving the room. I took out my phone and called Dan. He answered.

"Hello?" Dan asked
"Hey Dan I need you to come over to Emily's house" I said
"Should I bring Tom?" He asked
"No! Do not bring Tom it may just make this worse!" I said firmly
"Ok what's the address?" He asked
"••••• st ••• Ave" I said
"Ok be there in a bit" he said
"Bye" I said
"Bye" He said disconnecting the call

He got here about ten minutes later. He knocked on the door.
"Who's that! Emma I swear if you had Tom come over I'm going to hurt you" Emily said still confused on everything that's happening.
"It's not your fine" I said going over to the front door and opening it.
"Emma what's wrong why did I need to come over?" Dan asked
"Emily woke up and got a text from Tom and she said she got sweaty and her pulse got higher" I said excited
"So basically you called me over here so you could tell me that" dan said looking quite annoyed
"Not just that I want you to help me cheer her up" I said
"And how do we do that exactly?" Dan asked
"Well she doesn't like girly things, but we could do... a theme park! She'll love that" I said
"Deal I wanted to go on a roller coaster anyways" Dan said
"Ok you can go on ripted with her" I said
"What's that?" Dan asked
"It's a roller coaster, where there has been 3 deaths" I said a little scared.
"Sounds... fun" dan said looking confused at why she would want to ride that.
"I know it's crazy but it's the only way to cheer her up" I said giving him the puppy face
"No! Don't give me the puppy face! I... can't... oh all right" dan said
"Thank you, wait here" I said. I ran into her room to get changed.
"Come on Emily we're going to the theme park" I said
"Really..." She said happily
"Yup now get changed" I said
"Ok..." she said sadly
We got changed into these. I wore this...

And she wore this

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And she wore this...

I saw what she was wearing

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I saw what she was wearing. And smiled.
"Don't let Tom see you wearing that shirt he might think you don't like him" I said smiling
"Yes because no one can replace my beautiful husband Pizza" Emily said sarcastically. We both laughed and walked out the door to see Dan still in the same place.
"Hello Emily" dan said
"Why is he here" Emily whispered in my ear just loud enough for Dan to hear.
"Because Emma wanted someone to ride the ripted with you" Dan said
"So your letting me ride the 'death trap ride' with your beloved boyfriend" Emily said looking at me
"Yes, now lets go" I said as we walked out the door. And left for the theme park.

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