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Ok so it's winter! About time! I love winter and all the snow and shit! Me and Emily were walking in the park.
"What to do? what to do?" I said thinking
"Hmm..." Emily said. Then I felt something cold hit my face.
"Got ya" she said starting to run
"I gonna get you!" I yelled and made a snowball. I zoomed after her. I was getting close but not close enough.
"Damn your stupid long legs Emily" I yelled giggling. She's like a foot taller then me!
"What can I say" she said getting faster. I knew there was no way to catch up.
"Here go's Nothing" I said and threw the snowball I just barley missed her.
"Come on you can do better!" She yelled
"Ok" I said and threw another one. I kit her just barely.
"Ok we're even now" I said catching up with her.
"Want to go to the library?" She asked
"Sure" I said and put my arm around her shoulders. She did the same. We laughed and talked the entire way there. We walked in and both our eyes lit up. Emily dashed off to the adventure and fantasy section. I giggled at her and walked over to the romance books. I know I'm cheesy but I don't give a fuck what you think.
"So you like romance books?" A new voice said. I turned around to see a tall man, blue hair, tan skin, and green eyes.
"I'm Collin" he said
"Emma" I said smiling
"Oh... your from PotterHeads unite" he said excitedly
"Um... yeah I am" I said. Collin seems nice.
"Is Emily here?" He asked
"Yeah she's in adventure and fantasy" I said pointing to her sitting in a bean bag in the adventure section.
"So... I'm guessing your a fan?" I asked looking away from Emily
"Um... Uh yeah" he said rubbing his neck.
"So you and Emily are pretty different huh" he said smiling
"Yeah but what can I say differences attract" I say shrugging.
"Well what kind of romance books do you read?" He asked
"Meh... mostly any of them" I said
"If you need help finding a book I can help since I work here" he said
"Really?" I asked smiling. Man Collin is kinda awesome. I mean he love Harry Potter, he works at a library, and is kinda cute!
"Yeah I never really was happier anywhere else so... here I am" he said
"Emma you ready... hello" Emily said walking up to me.
"Hi I'm Collin" he said smiling
"Emily, Emma you ready?" She asked
"We haven't been here that long" I said looking back to the books
"We've been here long enough for me to Finnish a book... oh your right that isn't long" Emily said remembering she can read as fast as flash can run.
"It's ok... ah" I said finally finding the book I wanted. It was the last book of twilight.
"Why do you read that lovey dovy stuff" she asked motioning to the book I was now holding.
"Why do you read Draco Malfoy fan fiction?" I asked smiling. Our smack talk is so terrible.
"Why do you read Harry Potter smut?" She asked smirking. Well she's won.
"Uh..." I couldn't think of a comeback
"I win" she said fist bumping the air.
"Come on weirdo" I said
"Ok" she said and walked up to the cheek out.
"Bye Collin" I said waving
"Bye" He said
I checked out my books. Emily had like a stack of 8 and I had one.
"I feel ashamed" I said looking at my one book
"You should" She said
"Hey" I said jokingly punching her in the shoulder.
"Come on you can help me get ready for tonight" she said giggling. Oh... I almost forgot tonight we're going over to Dans to watch a movie.
"Ok now let's go to your house" I siad and we walked to her house. We were almost there when we heard whimpering.
"What's that noise" she asked
"I don't know" I said. We started looking around. Then I saw the cutest little kitten. She was Snow White, with blue eyes.
"Emily over here" I said. Emily walked over to me.
She gasped and popped a squat next to the kitten.
"She's been abused" Emily said sounding like she was on the verge of tears.
"We have to get her to my house and quick" Emily said and grabbed her books and I grabbed mine and the kitchen. We got to Emily's house in about five minutes.
"Give her to me and go get some canes tuna from the cabinet and milk from the fridge! And warm up the milk" she said. I quickly gave her the kitten and she dashed off to the bathroom. I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed some tuna and milk. While the milk was warming up I opened the tuna. Once it was done I quickly took it to Emily. I got to the bathroom to see she was washing the kitten.
"Can I have the milk" Emily asked.
I gave it to her.
"Here you go kitty" she said and let the kitten drink from the cup. She kitten happily drank her milk. Once she was done drinking her milk, Emily gently picked up the small kitten and wrapped her in a towel.
"Do you want to give her the tuna?" Emily asked gently petting the kitten
"Sure" I said gently giving the kitten food. She purred in delight.
"As far as I know it looks like she was beaten, starved, and thrown out" Emily said a tear coming from her eyes. Emily doesn't cry much so when she does it's serious.
"The poor thing is still freezing" I said petting her.
"She'll warm up in a bit" Emily said. I nodded. Then I felt my phone vibrate. It was dan.

                                       Emily just saved a
                                                    Kittens life
Wait really! Does
The cat have a caller?
Are you gonna keep
The kitten?
                                      Probably because
                    Her last owners apparently
                                              Abused her😢
You can bring her
If you'd like!😁
                                  That would be great!

I put my phone away.
"Dan said we can bring her so she isn't alone" I said smiling
"Ok" she said getting up holding the kitten like a baby.
"Come on let's go get ready" I said. And we walked up stairs...

A/n I'll put a picture of the kitten in the next chapter!

Q:is there going to be a relationship between Emma/Emily and Collin

A: maybe... maybe not
*walks away like a boss*
*trips on something in her room*

Bye loves!

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