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The movie ended and everyone clapped. Although I think me and Emily were the loudest out of all of them.
"That. Was. Amazing" Emily said punching the air with her fist.
"Yup and now for the after party" I said excited
"Yeah ya" Emily said. Us laughing at her enthusiasm. We walked into the room where the after party was. It was covered in stuff and had a DJ and, well everything. Emily was way to excited for this.
"Come on" Emily said. She pulled me over to the skateboard ramp. She had brought shorts, of course.
"Really Emily you brought shorts!" I said laughing at her slightly
"Like duh" Emily said
She walked up the stairs so she was at the top of the stairs. She started doing 360's and all kinds of cool stuff. All the boys were watching her looking amazed at how good she was, especially in a dress. She finally got off, and everyone cheered for her and how good she was at skating.
"That was amazing!" Two people said from behind me. I turned around to see Dan and Tom.
"Hey guys" I said
"Hello Emma" Dan said. He then looked at Tom who was still staring at Emily as she came over to us. We both laughed at the fact he was blushing. Wait... he's blushing! He likes her OMG! I'm playing matchmaker tonight! Emily laughed at the fact Tom was still staring at her. He finally drifted out of his day dream.
"Ok so what next Emma" Emily asked
"Hmm... we could go have a drink" I said
"Sure" the boys said in unison
"No! You know I don't drink" Emily said
"Fine but I'm going to" I said
"Ok I'm going to walk around" Emily said
"I'll come with you" Tom said. She smiled. And they walked over to the dance floor. They danced Like morons but they were cute together.
"Are you playing matchmaker too" Dan asked
"Maybe... yeah pretty much" I said smiling
"Same here, he didn't tell you this but he actually watches your channel and has had a crush on her for a long time" Dan said smiling
"Mean while she doesn't like talking about feelings so she won't tell me who she likes" I said. We walked over to the bar and got drinks and watched Tom and Emily dancing together.
"They make a cute couple don't they" Dan said
"Yup and I ship it!" I said excitedly. Dan laughed at how excited I was.
"Yeah and I'm not going to make a bet on them... unless..." Dan said
"What?" I asked
"I bet three bucks they will be together by the end of the night" dan said
"Deal and I bet three dollars it will take a couple of days for them to finally go out" I said smirking. I knew Emily would want to take her time she wants her first boyfriend to be the one she will be with until the end.
"Deal" dan said. And we shook hands.
"So what kind of stuff do you like?" Dan asked
"Harry Potter stuff most of the time, but I like animals too" I said smiling
"Cool, and who's the bigger Harry Potter fan out of the two of you?" Dan asked
"Definitely Emily" I said laughing. Dan laughed at how I said it.
"Look somethings happening" I said pointing to Emily and Tom.
"ah perfect timing slow song" dan said as a slow song came on. Emily and Tom just blushed and looked at each other. Then they walked over to a couch and sat down.
"Aww... come on!" Dan said a little loudly. Emily and Tom looked at us and looked confused. I just laughed and motioned them to go back to what they were doing.
"May I have this dance?" Dan asked
"Sure" I said as he took my hand and we moved to the dance floor. We danced until the slow song ended and a faster one started. But then...

Emily's POV—————————————

"Tom I'm telling you they will kiss before the end of the night" I said
"Your bet is $20 on this you better hope your right" Tom said
Then Emma and Dan walk onto the dance floor and danced to the slow song.
"Haha I'm going to win" I said smirking
He just smiled. Then the song ended and Dan leaned down a kissed Emma.
"Told you now where's my $20" I said smiling. He just looked at me and smiled. He handed me my $20.
"Thank you" I said happily. Then got up. They pulled apart from the kiss.
"Hey Emma time to go" I yelled
"Ok" she yelled back then looked at Dan once more. I looked at Tom and winked. He blushed as Emma came up from behind me smiling, while Dan still stood there smiling like an idiot. We left and went back to my house. And we sat there watching movies(Harry Potter of course)...

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