A Very Untraditional Meet

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The conference room had been prepared for a prospective meeting, and you were currently standing in the middle of it, staring at the walls as if they were to give you guidance. Just when your life had derailed, everything else seemed to go along with it and now you were looking at grave peril straight in its ugly face.

Immersed deep in thought, you barely registered Steve's presence, only coming around to it when you heard his voice beside you. "I was hoping we could talk. I know you're mad at me, you have every right to be but (Y/N), I would still like to clear the air."

"I do not hold anything against you; you must have had reasons for your actions." Your voice was stripped of all emotion. "Regardless, I rekon you do not speak to me as of this moment. Anything I might say may cause permanent damage."

Steve was taken aback by the stoicity of your demeanour. However, he did not look ready to give up. Chancing his arm, he decided to push the argument.

"Where is she? What have you dragged her into this time? No, don't touch me! Maira?" Dean's nettled voice resonated in the hallways, causing Steve to immediately drop the topic as the team began to pour in one by one with the Winchesters in tow.

"What the hell, Maira? Why would you come here, of all places, and keep us in the dark about it?" Sam's initial intentions were to mediate but now that he was standing in front of you, rage took the upper hand.

"You do not have to call me by that name. I know it hurts you, just like it hurts him." You gestured towards Tony, whose sunken expression ratified your claim.

"Him." Dean said with a deep growl in his throat. "What is with you, Stark? I thought you said (Y/N)'s safety was paramount. Or was that all an act?"

The name slipped off Dean's tongue like butter. His heart longed to call you by that name and for you to acknowledge it. That alone did half the trick of soothing his nerves.

Catching the change in mood in seconds, you seized the moment. "Dean, I know I have wronged you. I never should have gone against your will and do everything you told me not to. Nonetheless, here I am, struggling to put back the jagged pieces of my old life together and there's nothing more I would want than to have my boys fighting the battle at my side. So, will you? "

"May I please have your attention?" Castiel announced from the north end of the table. "Keeping (Y/N) from her own past was pointless exercise, if only you would listen to me. As for now, we are facing a threat potent like never before and to negate it all of you will need to come together, despite your disagreements."

Castiel's influence was enough to subdue everyone and settle them in their seats. Once the room was civilised to his liking, he began. "Malik was killed by a demon named Abyzma, who also happens to be the leader of a huge rebellion in hell. Crowley's subjects are not sated with him; they find him to be....wimpy."

"A rebellion in hell? It's time for me to go back under." Bucky said with a blank face. Sam glared at his teammate, evidently miffed after hearing the same poor attempt at a joke one too many times. "Man, that stopped being funny three years ago."

'This is the species I strive to protect.' Castiel resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Will you please focus? This is important."

Once he had regained the attention of the room, he proceeded. "Abyzma has forged alliance with a division of humans who, together, are creating a better strata of demons to fill places in her army and help her overthrow Crowley. Once she has that accomplished, Abyzma will inevitably head on over to earth."

"I'm sorry, a better strata of demons?" In all his years of hunting, Sam had never heard of such a thing. "How so?"

"I wouldn't know since I have never encountered one but word on the radio is they have no tell - no black eyes, no smell. Traps won't hold them back, holy water will have no effect. You cannot exorcise them since the humans seem to be genetically modified with the demonic essence." Castiel stated with a grim expression.

Dean rested his arms heavily on the table, exhaustion evident on his face. "How do we kill these things?"

Castiel stayed silent for a moment, searching for an answer that wasn't there. "Like I said, I haven't encountered one yet, therefore I do not have the slightest clue. We will cross that bridge when we come to it."

"Hydra co - conspiring with demons." Bucky swiveled in his chair. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"Alright, listen up everyone. If the situation is truly as dire as Cas is making it out to be, we need to be one step ahead." You stood up and walked to the head of the table, habitually taking command. "Our first priority is to put Opal Wallace into protection, who should logically be Abyzma's next target. And we're going to need a lot less bickering if we want to stay on top of things."

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