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Lance McClain, a tan boy with beautiful enchanting blue eyes, was playing outside, enjoying the summer sun. Fooling around with his brother. Roughhousing. His sister was teasing and taunting them. All in good fun of course.

"Lance, hijo, there's someone here to talk to you!" His Mamá called from the porch. "Actually, I'd like for everyone to come in."

"Coming!" The three called cheerily.

As they raced in, they stopped in the door frame of the living room. There on the couch sat a man dressed in very odd attire. He wore a pointed cartoonist witch hat, and ruby red robe.

"Hi!" Lance said cheerily, his usual bright smile plastered on his face.

"Lance, Luis, Veronica, this is a Professor at a school called Hogwarts. They're here to talk to us about the weird accounts that involve Lance." Lance's Mamà said, introducing the three to the Professor.

After the whole encounter with the Professor, Lance was ecstatic. He always knew there was something off about him. How unexplainable things would happen when he was sad, scared and sometimes angry. The Professor has only helped him see that he wasn't all that different.

He was special. Tomorrow the boy, with his Mamà and that Professor, would be going to downtown London and to this bar called the Leaky Caldron, so he could enter this small alley for his school shopping.

And later his parents would have to explain to Marco what they had learned about his brother. They would have to explain that his brother was a wizard. That he would be going to a boarding school to learn to control his magic.


Keith Kogane, a pale boy who had long black hair and bluish grey eyes, was sitting in his room listening to the radio to tune out the existence of the normal everyday life. He was sitting at his desk rereading one of his many books. Takashi Shirogane, a tall boy with black hair which had white forelock, stood outside knocking on the door trying to get the attention of the younger, antisocial boy. Keith had no idea that his brother was standing outside, trying to get his attention.

Losing his patience, Shiro opened the door.

"Keith, I got to show you something," Shiro said as he barged into his younger brother's room.

"Shiro, I've asked you to knock before entering." Keith sighed exasperatedly, turning in his desk seat to look at him.

"I was. Your music is too loud." Shiro responded, turning the radio's knob left.

"It was? Oh, sorry, anyways what do you want to show me?" The smaller boy asked.

"Oh, well, this." Shiro answer, revealing the small letter that was hidden behind his back.

Keith's eyes widen. Mouth went ajar.

"Is that mine?" He asked.

"Who else would I be? I've already got mine." Shiro answered.

Keith rushed out of his seat, almost tripping over the chair leg and his rug, and over to Shiro ripping the letter out of his hand. Tearing the envelope open and taking the letter within out. He then read it. A second time. Then a third. He had received his Hogwarts letter.


Keith, Shiro and their parents had entered the Leaky Caldron and made their way to the back to enter Diagon Alley. They were going to buy all of Keith's school supplies as well as Shiro's new school books.

"Slav's first, please!" Keith begged. "I want to get my wand, please!"

"Okay, okay, Keith." Shiro laughed, leading the boy to the wand shop.

Love Isn't All The Magical as you Would Think | Klance | Harry Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now