Chapter Ten: Movie Night

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Chapter Ten: Movie Night;
Tuesday, 26 2016

A few days passed since they went to the beach. It was later in the day when Veronica suggested they watched a movie. After Cristina and Xavier settled down at the mere mention of a movie, being four and six. Then the debate of which movie started.

Marco, Lance, Luis, Veronica and Pidge voted on a horror movie.

"You do realize children are present, and a four-year-old can't watch a horror movie, Marco." Marco's wife Allison stated with a dead stare.

"They could leave and watch something else in a different room," Luis suggested, receiving multiple glares from his sisters and the children in the room.

Next was the votes were for a Disney movie. The ones who voted were Hunk, Allison, Rachel, and the younger children while Nicolàs was sitting at the coffee table a book pressed against the table not paying attention.

Even votes. A tie and Keith was most likely going to be the tiebreaker.

"It's a tie." Hunk stated.

"Keith, what's your opinion?" Rachel asked.

Keith sat quietly for a few minutes after the question. He wasn't really into the idea of watching a Disney movie but he was also worried about which horror movie they'd pick.

"Horror...?" Keith answered unsurely.

Suddenly, Luis and Lance cheered dramatically. Katie and Veronica rolled their eyes at the dramatic boys.

"Well, Luis, I'm setting up the kids movie in your room," Allison stated, taking the kids upstairs.

"What? Why?!" Luis called, turning around in his seat.

"Blame your smart mouth!" Allison called from the stairwell.

"Tío Smart Mouth!" Xavier repeated, giggling.

"Ok, what movie should we watch?" Pidge asked, moving the topic.

"Let us see what Netflix has to offer." Lance smiled.

He plucked the remote off the coffee and switch the television on. He flipped through the horror genre and landing on the first Scream movie.

"The classic slasher." Lance grinned widely.

"Pick something actually scary." Pidge groaned.

"Lance we've watched that damn movie at least twenty times," Veronica called.

"Because it's A M A Z I N G," Lance said overly dramatically.

"Wait, isn't it that the movie with the ghost face and the two killers," Keith asked realizing he recognized the movie.

"Yes!" Lance smiled achieved. "You can never guess who the killer is because there is too! Thank you, Keith, for agreeing with me!"

"Yeah, I agree with Pidge, it's not really scary. More gore than anything." Keith said.

"Never mind," Lance responded too enthusiastically for the answer.

Lance then annoyingly continued to flip through the movies. And soon Lance stopped once again. The white rectangle held the selected movie, it was Paranormal Activity two.

"Lance no!" Rachel groaned.

"What?" Lance asked, "It's scary."

"A ten-year-old would find it scary," Pidge called behind her.

"Fine! I get it, it's hard to please you guys." Lance groaned.

Lance started scrolling through the movies once again, minutes passed and Pidge called for him to stop.

"Lance, go back a few," Pidge commanded.

Lance obliged, scrolling back waiting for Pidge's instruction.

"Stop. Now that's an interesting movie." Pidge insisted.

"Pan's Labyrinth?" Luis read, "Oh, I've seen the trailers. It looked interesting."

"It is, from what my brother told me," Katie commented, from her seat on the floor.

"Okay, now that the movie is picked, who's getting popcorn?" Lance asked, setting the remote down.

"One, two, three not it!" Rachel shouted quickly, bring her finger to her nose.

In a row, the McClain siblings quickly brought their fingers to their noses, Pidge and Hunk soon following. Keith sat there confused to what 'One, two, three not it' was.

Soon Lance noticed that Keith didn't have a finger to his nose and went with it. Suddenly he threw a finger to his nose.

"Keith gotta go make the popcorn!" Lance smiled, achieved.

"Yeah, you don't want Keith making popcorn," Pidge stated.

"Really?" Lance sighed.

"Yeah." Keith answered, "I have tried."

"So you'll have to do it, Lance," Rachel smiled, clapping a hand on Lance's shoulder.

Lance sighed and went to make the popcorn. When he came back he found that Allison had stolen his spot on the couch. So now the lanky boy had to sit on the floor next to Keith. Pidge stole the remote and hit play and the movie began.

Lance watched annoyed as Ofelia, ate some of the pale man's fruit from off the table. He huffed and groaned as the girl swatted away her little fairy friends for trying to warn her and Keith elbowed him slightly.

"Shush." He hissed, "watch the screen."

Keith squirmed as the pale man placed his eyes into his palms. The group watched on as the angered fictional character snatch a fairy mid-flight and ate it. The suspenseful scene ended with the ten-year-old making it out but the pale man was left with a broken piece of chalk.

"C'mon!" The boy's on the floor cried.

"Shush!" Pidge hissed, leaning over to slap them upside the head.

They continued, soon reaching the end of the movie, where Ofelia was shot by her stepfather. Lance gasped with tears developing in his eyes, the boy huffs sadly. Though brightened up at the end when she was saved and became the legendarily lost princess and sat the throne with her first wife's parents.

And soon the credits rolled, and Lance quickly wiped his eyes as Pidge and Rachel turned on the lamps.

"Now, can we put on an actual scary movie?" Marco asked.

Everyone agreed, and no one allowed Lance the remote. None of the McClain siblings watched to watch the Scream franchise again, for the hundredth time. Veronica scrolled through the horror section waiting for some input on a movie.

She pasted 'The Babysitter' which received some comments making fun of the name and comments on the promotional content that it had created. She passed a few others and stopped once again on the movie called Veronica, the sibling laughed and joked about Veronica being a ghost and basically just being regular asshole stupid siblings.

"I always knew sister dearest was demonic." Rachel laughed, pushing her playfully.

"So you're telling me, that this woman - or thing - that has been living with us since childhood is a demon?!" Lance played along.

And many more comments were made from each family member, jokingly of course but still acting like assholes.

"Shut up assholes." Veronica smiled, "are we watching the movie or not?"

"Definitely," Pidge confirmed, as Hunk let out a small whimper.

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