Season 8 Talk

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Obvious by the Title

Okay okay, Season 8... Did Lance, they did him dirty, in my opinion. Reduced to Love interest, and honestly, in my personal opinion, I don't think Lance with his homesickness would travel the universe after someone. I feel as though he was try to stay by family.

But, I didn't hate it. There were many scene that held Klance shipping fuel. And that's not the main reason I watched Voltron, although loved the characters.

I did enjoy it, throughly, there are just a few things I didn't fancy over. Allurance being one of them, not because of the ship, because of of how it was handled. I feel as though Lance was a rebound from Lotor, I don't think she liked him the way Lance loved her. And I use the word Love loosely. It was the first date and he told her that he loved her? It felt forced.

I want to make myself clear, this may look like I'm hating on the show, and Allurance. I'm not, truly I'm not. I loved the show, it had be a honour watching and growing with it. I just don't like the way they handled it. I felt sudden, it didn't sit right with me, the sudden "I love you." from Lance and Allura saying nothing and just walking away.

And I feel like the only reason Allura said yes, was because Romelle talked her into it. She even tried to deny it, Romelle talked her into it. And I am not trashing on Romelle, she is a innocent little bean, and I love her.

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