Chapter Four: Partners

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Chapter Four: Partners;

"Mr. McClain and Mr. Kogane you two will be partners for this potion's assignment." Professor Haggar said. "Miss Holt and Miss Greenfield you are partners as well. Miss Holt switch your seat with Mr. McClain."

Katie picked up her books  and huffed a sigh.

"Looks like I'm doing all the work. Wish me luck Keith." Katie muttered under her breath.

"Good luck Pidge." Keith chuckled. "Don't blow up the dungeons."

"That'll be her, not me." Katie whispered jerking her head towards Greenfield.

Lance walked over with his books, placing them on the desk.

"Hey can you like, up talk me to her? I've been trying to get her to give me the time of day for years. If you could that'll be amazing Pigeon." Lance asked Katie.

"Really Lance? She isn't the best person for you too ehm, well, hit on." Katie answered, rolling her eyes.

"'Isn't the best..'? Pidge, she's amazing. Even if you don't really like her - and I can't see why you don't - then at least just do it to me." Lance practically begged.

Katie and Keith both rolled their eyes. Underneath the desk, Keith fist clenched. Keith was getting jealous of Nyma Greenfield, she was all Lance would talk about at some point while their group was together.

'She didn't deserve his time' Keith thought regularly. Far to often.

Professor Haggar finally finished paring up the class, she explained what the assignment was going to be.

"We will be brewing the Amortentia, this potion is partially difficult to brew: You will have to follow your books precisely. Make no mistake, don't add your own little 'addition' to the potion. Now, open your books to page two hundred thirty six." Hagger explain, swiftly writing everything she was saying on the chalk board.

"Isn't Amortentia a love potion?" A student asked out loud, speaking Lance's thoughts.

Professor Haggar's long purple hair, white strands from stress streaked though it, swung as the woman turned to face her class.

"Yes it is," Hagger answered, and Keith knew Katie's hand was raised, the Professor let out a breath. "Miss Holt?"

"Professor, you could barely call this a Love potion. This potion causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker. Obsession isn't love." Katie rambled. "Also, this potion is highly dangerous, one drop of the potion brewed correctly can, and would, cause obsession with the things or person that they love."

"Miss Holt, I see your concerns and in the cause of a student accidentally falling under the charm of the potion, I have prepared the antidote previously. As for the name, I fully heartedly agree that this isn't a love potion. Love isn't obsession and infatuation, but I didn't name the potion." Professor Haggar answered.

Keith chuckled, of course Katie would cause a debate over the name and meaning of potion. The raven haired boy flipped to the page, with Lance peering over his shoulder. He could feel the Cuban boy's breath on neck, and Keith could feel his cheeks heat up. The colour pink was hastily creeping its way onto Keith's face, across his cheeks and to the tips of his ears. Lance hadn't noticed, the boys vision was to clouded by his excitement to brew the potion.

Lance's thoughts ran wild. They wonder what he would smell when he finished the potion. They wandered to the thought of what Keith would smell. Would Lance smell the ocean, his mother's home cooking, maybe the smell the sent of new broomsticks? Or the sent of Nyma's shampoo, and the smell of a fire burning? Would Keith smell the smell of new books, of Shiro's favourite drink, Allura's perfume, the smell of broomstick handle? Would he smell peanut butter cookies or the mixture of ocean salt and cinnamon? Would Lance smell that vanilla, new parchment, the unidentifiable mixture?

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