Chapter Three: "Keith can't be a Goody Two Shoes"

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Chapter Three: "Keith can't be a Goody Two Shoes";

An hour after Keith had returned, the four finished they're Butterbeers and started for Honeydukes. Katie wanted to see her brother, and Keith wanted chocolate. As did the two other boys. Matt noticed them and went on break.

Matt and Katie hugged each other like they haven't seen each other in years, but they had only just seen each other September first, four months ago. The siblings pulled out of the hug and Matt placed Keith in a headlock.

"Hey ya, Keith." He said playfully.

Keith got out with ease and shoved Matt just as playfully. The two treated each other as brothers, all because Matt was Shiro's best friend.

"Hi Matt," Keith said.

"How's Shiro doing? Finally dating Allura? Haven't heard from him for a while." Matt asked.

"Shiro's doing fine. Still hiding his feelings for Allura. He's working at the Three Broomsticks this whole weekend." Keith answered, running his hand through his hair, fixing it from Matt knotting it with the headlock. "I'm gonna go look for some chocolate."

Keith excuse himself from the siblings. Although they treated each other like family, Keith felt like he was intruding on a sentimental family thing. Keith found Hunk and Lance playing with the licorice wands which were being used as swords.

"You two are fools." Keith chuckled, taking a Honeydukes paper bag and started placing some different kind of sweets into it.

"And you're - you're a goody two shoes." Lance shot back, with no real heat to it.

"If you think that, then you have never learned anything about my personality." Keith laughed haft heartily.

"Yeah, I don't know what I'm saying, a 'goody two shoes' wouldn't jinx someone to ribbit like a frog in the middle of class." Lance shot, his joyful smile full of happiness, Keith could tell there wasn't any real bitterness in his comment.

"For the last time, it didn't jinx you, Ocean Eyes." Keith sighed, he didn't want to admit that he had, especially with Matt in such close proximity and him being best friends with Shiro.

Lance's eyes widen and a slight colour change happened to his face. A little shade of blush across his cheeks to the top of his ears. Keith hadn't realized what he had called Lance, he was distracted by the kinds of candy in front of him.

"Oh-Oh-Ocean Ay-Ay-Eyes?" Lance stuttered questioningly.

Keith's eyes widen, pink spread across his face like rapid fire. Keith had to think quick, what could be his excuse to calling him that?

"You call me Mullet, thought I'd do the same," Keith answered, his voice somehow managing to stay stable and natural. "It's just describing one attribute of your body and using it as a nickname."

Keith quick and smooth recovery and his explanation had caused both parties blushed to lighten and start to fade. Keith awkwardly excused himself to pay for the bag of sweets he had piled into it during the conversation.

Lance watched as Keith's long hair swayed as he walked, his body stiff and uncomfortable. Lance just watched him get in line, blush to creep across his face once again.

"Lance, maybe you're rivalling against him is because of your confusing attraction with dislike." Hunk said thoughtfully, looking at his friend his head tilted to the side slightly.

Lance jumped and looked at Hunk like he was crazy for even suggesting something along those lines. Him liking Keith, Keith Kogane, Keith 'flipping mullet wearing' Kogane.

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