Chapter Seven: Going Home

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Chapter Seven; Going Home;

The group of five teenagers entered the Hogwarts Express, they soon found an empty compartment. They all got in, Hunk and Shay sitting together and being all lovey-dovey by the compartment window. Pidge awkwardly took a seat on the same side as them by the window that looked out to the outside. Keith took the other side across from Pidge and Lance sat beside him.

Keith sat with his back to the window and his knees up on the seat. Leaned over slightly to steal Katie's small knapsack and grab his book. He took out the book then threw the bag back on the ground causing Lance to look over at him.

"A book? Really? It's summer vacation, Keith!" Lance said exasperatedly, scooting over on the seat to take the book from him.

"Hey! Lance!" Keith said, surprised at his actions. "Give - Give it back!"

"No, it's summer, not a book club!" Lance told him, holding Keith's book out of his reach.

Keith's lips went into a fine line. He just wanted to catch up in his book because he's been putting it off because of exams.


"What book even is this?" Lance asked, not hearing Keith's first warning tone.


"No way! Your reading Linger? My sister reads this series!" Lance exclaimed, shocked by the book title.


"Like dude, teenage girls read this! It a teenage werewolf romance book, Keith! -"

"Okay, I get it, Lance!" Keith suddenly snapped, taking back his book. "I'm going to go get some air."

Keith abruptly left, leaving a shock Lance, concerned Katie, confused Shay, and worried Hunk.

"Wha...? What just happened?" Shay asked, extremely confused by the situation.

"Lance was teasing Keith about his favourite book series and Keith snapped." Katie accused, then took Keith's usually feelings into account. "Now he's going to go get some air and calm down, I suggest no one goes after him so he can calm down on his own."

Lance's thoughts wandered. He shouldn't have teased him about the book. It was just a book, a book with a romance storyline. An actual good book from what he had heard from his sister. A book Keith was reading to pass the time, there was no problem with it. So why did Lance feel the need to tease him?

Why does Lance always get the need to tease Keith? Why does he do it more often than the others? Why does he start to feel amazing just being around the ravenette Ravenclaw? These questions swarmed his head as he sat in silence.

Switching to Keith, Keith was on the rear balcony getting some air and letting himself think. The book which he was being playfully teased within his hands handing over the edge thoughtfully. The book was a book that girls read more often, Allura was the one who had actually introduced him to the series. The character Cole honestly reminded him of Lance, and the character Olivia reminded him of Nyma. And their storyline is a lot like Nyma's and Lance's but Keith silently hoped Cole 'Lance' and Olivia's 'Nyma's' storyline didn't play out.

"Jesus, my thoughts fell into a wormhole." Keith thought out loud.

"That happens all the time to me," A voice spoke from the other left side of Keith.

He quickly whipped his head to look to the direction the voice had come from. Acxa. She was also out here.

"You know, it's funny. We keep running into each other, in class which is to be expected, but also on campus and even here." She spoke not looking at Keith, just at the moving scenery. "You've kinda invaded on my thinking space, Keith, I come here to get away from my 'friends' and just think."

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