Chapter Eight: The McClain Family Home

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Chapter Eight: The McClain Family Home;
Thursday, 21 2016

Keith groggily rolled out of his bed. Walking sleepily to the bathroom across the hall, there he looked in the mirror. His long hair was a rats nest. The boy groaned at his appearance and continued to take care of his teeth.

The boy trudged downstairs and into the kitchen to make himself breakfast. As he placed the bread in the toaster there was a knock on the front door. He groaned as he wasn't exactly 'people ready.'

"Coming!" He called as he popped down the bread.

He walked to the door and opened it. There stood Pidge in a green light jacket, a galaxy shirt which read 'I believe', and blue jean shorts.

Katie scoffed amused and walked into the non parental occupied house commenting, "You look like shit."

"Thanks for the compliment." Keith responded.

Katie shed her jacket and bag onto the couch, then looked around the living space clearly unimpressed.

"I see your not ready." She commented, looking at the boy who was disappearing into the other room.

"Not ready for what? What are you even doing here Pidge, it's like nine." Keith asked.

Katie followed Keith into the quaint robin egg blue kitchen.

"Nine? Have you even looked at the clocks today Keith?" Katie question, taking a seat on one of the island's bar chairs.

"No, why?"

"Keith it three in the afternoon. Tuesday twenty-fourth. Ring any bells?" Katie said, looking at the deeply confused boy. "Jeez Keith! Today's the day we go to Lance's place to celebrate his birthday!"

It finally sets in for him. The last thing Pidge hear was a loud; "Shit!" Then Keith had vanished from the room and up that stairs. Then she heard the faint sound of running water sound from upstairs. The girl rolled her hazel eyes and removed herself from the chair and made her way to the now popped toast.

"Mine now." She commented, taking the toast from the Muggle invention and coating the top with peanut butter.

Katie replaced the stolen toast by making more. As she waited for Keith to finish in the shower, she played on her cell phone, ending in texting the soon to be birthday boy.

Green Glitch has sent;
Hey idiot.


Loverboy Lance has sent;
hi Pidge, when you and keithcoming? hunk's already here


Green Glitch has sent;
No, we aren't on our way yet. Waiting at Keith's for Shiro to come pick us up and Keith is still getting ready so we'll probably get there around four or five.


Loverboy Lance has sent;
keith is still getting ready at three? what is he bringing? his whole house? lol


Green Glitch has sent;
No, he woke up late and forgot to pack last night.


Loverboy Lance has sent;
rookie mistake ;p stats on him?


Green Glitch has sent;
In the shower -

Pidge then suddenly heard the water cut off and the creaking of both the bathroom door and the wooden floors. Keith made his way to his room to start packing.

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