Chapter Six: Studying of Exams and Games

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Chapter Six: Studying of Exams and Games;


Keith was about to pull out his long raven hair from the stress and frustration. He was studying for exams, and he would be fine if it wasn't for a certain someone who he was forced to help study. Professor Alfor had asked Keith to help Lance with studying for exams since the boy had been doing so poorly in the last few years.

So with the stress of Keith studying for his exams then pile on the stress of studying with Lance, his crush, then to top it off, trying to help Lance who was terrible at studying, study for Lance's most hated part of the school year.

And so, there they were sitting at one of the many tables in the library, Lance's face pressed against the palm of his hand and Keith running his hand through his long hair out of full annoyance. 

"Laaaaaaaance, " Keith mimicked Lance, clearly annoyed.

"I'm so bored!" Lance whined, letting his face smack against his copy of History of Magic.

Keith rolled his eyes although his insides were bubbling with excitement of just being around Lance. Lance's smell was intoxicating to Keith, drowning him and making him calm. Lance peered up slightly to see if he had gotten the reaction he wanted. He had, Keith's once serious and stressed face had a small smile had broken through.

"Lance if you fail another exam you wouldn't be able to become an Aura like you wanted." Keith tried to get the boy interested, even if he had to lie.

"Why would I need to pass a History exam to become an Aura?" Lance asked, his words muffled by the book.

Keith smirked at the Cuban's actions.

"Cause you might have to take up a case that involves a dark wizard who was doing what they were doing because of something from history." Keith tried, then snickered at his own answer, causing Lance to follow in suit.

"That was the stupidest reason you've ever given." Lance snickered loudly.

The librarian Mr. Iverson, who was already short-tempered with the two boys had finally have gotten fed up with the mindless banter and endless snickering, shushed them for the countless time that afternoon. He had also given them another warning. Keith soon calmed down after the warning and sighed.

"I'm going to get the next book for studying," Keith said, moving to get out of the chair.

Lance stood up abruptly, grabbing Keith's wrist. Keith stiffened slightly, and his eyes fell to were Lance's hand was. Keith's body started to heat up, the contact was far too much for him that and the already intoxicating scent that was already making Keith giddy and flushed. Keith's body went into overdrive. He couldn't even process what Lance was saying. Keith had only caught a few select words.

"Wait, Keith, I'm going to come with you, since your short and also I'll probably end up falling asleep without you being in here," Lance said teasingly, with his signature smile.

"What? Oh sure." Keith answered, confused by only catching a few words.

"Cool. Great. Let's go then, what book are we looking for?" Lance asked.

"Well, we studied for Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Astronomy, Study of Ancient Runes, and History of Magic." Keith listed, "Now all we need to do is, Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts, then we are done and have to study for our electives that we don't take together."

"Wow, how do you remember all of that?" Lance asked, taken back by the other's memory.

"I just do, I have like a mental list in my head and each time we finish it like crosses it off," Keith answered awkwardly, his hand instinctively rubbing the back of his neck.

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