The Dark Possession

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Takes place during Holocrons of Fate. Idea goes to InsertUncreativeName

"If you think it will help us against Maul," Kanan said, "open it."

They were traveling through hyperspace in the training A-wing to save the crew, which had been taken captive by Maul. After some much needed bonding time Kanan and Ezra finally reconciled to retrieve the Sith holocron. And now Ezra thought Kanan was losing it. He actually suggested that he open it?

"Are you sure I should," asked Ezra, "I mean, we just said reconciled. Do you really want the darkside to be used?"

"I'm wanting to know what you think is best."

The ship dropped out of hyperspace as Ezra was still debating opening it or not. However, he would not even make the decision. The holocron started to open as they were about to fly into the hangar of the strange asteroid base.

"Uh, Kanan? The holocron... it's opening on its own."

The ship stopped when a red burst of light filled the space.

"You dare turn on me?!" said the voice of the holocron, "I made you more powerful than you could think, and after your friends are put in danger, you act like I never helped you before!"

A hologram seemingly came out of the holocron. It looked very similar to a Nightsister from Dathomir.

"I forged you, now you belong to me!"

The light exited the holocron and entered Ezra. His body began writhing in agony as the Presence entered him and began taking his body over. Kanan piloted the a-wing into the hangar and saw Maul waiting for them. The cockpit opened and Ezra let loose a blood curdling scream which made even Maul back away in fear. Ezra then leapt out of the craft, lightsaber ignited.

"What has happened to my apprentice?!" Maul cried in fear.

"He's not your apprentice," Kanan replied, "the spirit in the holocron has taken control of his body!"

Maul's droids emerged from a nearby hall and the Ghost.

"Try to stun him!" he ordered the droids.

Kanan took the opportunity to sneak onboard the Ghost to rescue the crew. He found them on their knees with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Except for Chopper, who was flat on the ground. Kanan used the force to undo the cuffs. They turned around and were at first happy, but quickly showed worry on their face.

"Where's Ezra?" Hera asked.

The question was answered when they saw one of Maul's droids land in front of the Ghost's ramp in seven pieces. They exited cautiously and saw Ezra standing in a pile of droid scrap, his back turned to them. He turned around and they saw that his eyes were completely black. He turned to Maul who was standing several yards away holding his saberstaff.

"You attempted to use this boy for your selfish gain," said the Presence, "so now, non-sith, you must die!"

Ezra extended his hand to Maul. Out of his fingertips fired red lighting. Maul intercepted it with his blade. What Maul didn't see, but what the Specters did see, was Ezra adjusting his grip on his lightsaber to where he was gripping it with his fingertips. The crew was shocked to see his hilt and eventually his blade start to course with red lighting. Ezra threw his lightsaber at Maul, never intending to strike him, as the blade was thrown several feet to Maul's left. But when the blade was pointing directly at Maul's head, all of the lightning stored inside of the lightsaber was released. Maul cried in agony as the energy coursed right into him. It also caused him to let his gaurd down, as when the lightsaber was returning, Ezra veered it slightly to Maul's right. By the time Maul realized it, it was too late, and his head rolled on the floor.

Ezra walked to the corpse and stood over it triumphantly.

"Now," He said turning around, "the Jedi."

He leapt into the air, but before he could land, Kanan pushed him with nearly all his might. Ezra hit the far wall hard, but even that didn't knock him out. It only seemed to daze him.

"I have a plan." he said, "We need to get back to Atollon." 

They quickly got into the Ghost. Ezra finally recovered and prepared to grab the ship itself. But before he could, it jumped to hyperspace from inside the hangar. Instead of dashing for the a-wing, he went down one level in a flash and stole Maul's ship, the Gauntlet. Once he detatched, he too jumped into hyperspace.

A few minutes later

The Ghost dropped out of hyperspace over the planet. Kanan put in a set of coordinates into the navigation system.

"Where's that?" asked Hera.

"Somewhere that someone is that could get Ezra back," Kanan replied. "Once we get there, I'll get off, you guys get back to base. He'll be after me, not you."

The Gauntlet dropped and started to fire on the Ghost. Hera quickly hit the thrusters and the ships entered the atmosphere of the planet. They soon came to the spot and Kanan exited the ship. True to his thoughts, Ezra broke pursuit and landed the Gauntlet in a nearby clearing. Where Kanan had landed the Bendu was already out.

"What have you brought to my world," Bendu asked Kanan, "And where is your apprentice, Kanan Jarrus."

To answer his question, red lighting nearly hit Bendu's hand. He looked at the direction it came from and immidiately scowled at the being.

"Don't get in my way," Ezra hissed, "Once I have killed the Jedi, I'll kill you, too."

"You think you are my superior? You are gravely mistaken."

Ezra leapt with his lightsaber ignited, ready to strike Kanan. But at the peak of his jump, he was frozen. Bendu had stopped him with a mere lift of his pinky finger. He started gliding slowly toward the Bendu. The Bendu lifted both of his hands off of the ground, and with a flick of his thumb, Ezra's lightsaber fell to Kanan's feet. Ezra finally stopped in between the Bendu's hands.

Out of his fingertips came a white energy, not like that of lightning, but a little more like a lightsaber. Bendu's left hand's energy turned black, while the other hand remained white. He then started to pull his hands apart. The Presence and Ezra slowly started to separate, Ezra screaming in pain the entire time. Until finally, like a band-aid, Bendu yanked his hands apart. In his right hand a sleeping Ezra remained, in his left, was what looked like a dark Ezra. He let Ezra down gently by Kanan and he formed a ball of Force Energy in his right hand.

"NO!" shouted the dark Ezra, which had the voice of the Presence, "YOU CAN'T DESTROY ME!"

"Your wrath on innocent souls is over," Bendu said, "Now be at peace." 

He started bringing his hands together. As the ball touched the dark Ezra, it would seemingly start to disintegrate him. The bendu closed his hands together slowly, making sure none of the darkside escaped. Once he opended his hands, there was nothing.

Ezra woke up and saw Kanan.

"Kanan..." he said.

"It's ok, Ezra," he replied, "it's ok."

"From now on," Ezra said, "I'll leave the decisions to you."

They both chuckled. Ezra was back and the temptation of the darkside was gone at last.

Ta-da! The end!

Wow and no Sabezra. Not sure if I should be proud of myself and call this an improvement, or disappointed in myself and call this a step backward.

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