Chapter Five

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When morning comes Sally and everyone else is downstairs in the kitchen for breakfast. Everything is quite and Sally is just sitting there silent which is unusual.

"What is it Sally? Are you ok?" Eyeless Jack asked her.

"It's nothing I'm fine." She keeps looking at her breakfast while everyone glares at Ben. After breakfast Jeff and Sally go up to her room.

"Ok Sally we will train in here today."

"What are we doing?" She looks up at him.

"Fighting." He tells her the moves and shows her how they are done. Then he goes easy in a match with her to see how she does. He ends up pinning her to the floor and she hits her head making the cut start bleeding. Jeff leans down and licks the blood from her face. Sally starts laughing.

"Eww! Jeff stop! That's gross stop!" She laughs. Ben hears her and runs into her room.

"What the fuck?" Ben sees Jeff on top of Sally with blood on his face.

"What it's free blood you can't turn down free blood." Jeff gets off of Sally. "Just keep working on fighting." He leaves them alone. Sally stays on the floor when Ben walks over.

"Sally?" He looks down at her. She turns over so she doesn't have to face him. "I'm sorry for what I said. It's just.... never mind but I'm still sorry for yesterday. Do you forgive me?"

"I can't stay mad at you forever so yea I forgive you." Sally sets up and hugs him. Ben blushes when she hugs him and hugs her back. When he pulls away Sally is picked up by a tentacle and is hanging upside down.

"Hi Sally!" Splendor says. Sally laughs holding her dress in place.

"Hi Splendor." She laughs.

"We are going to teach you something today!" He carries her downstairs like that with Ben following. Sally sees Tender.

"Hi Tender." She laughs. Splendor sets her on the ground.

"Hello Sally we are going to teach you how to change into an illusion form."

"What's an illusion form?" She asked dumbfounded.

"It's a form to hide what you actually look like Jeff show her." Jeff stands up and changes into his illusion form. "He hasn't mastered it yet because you can still see his smile. Now we need to work on yours." Tender sits down on the ground. "What form do you want?"

"I've kinda wondered what I would look like when I got older. So I pick to see what I would look like as a teen." She says.

"Ok now focus in your mind on that thought."

Sally closes her eyes focusing on her teen self and a black mist forms around her. When it clears she opens her eyes. "I don't feel any different."

"Sally look like a mirror." Laughing Jack tells her. Slender holds up a long mirror for her and she looks in it. Her eyes widen. She sees that she is wearing a black top, black skinny jeans, has short black hair, black wedges, and has boobs.

She points at her boobs. "Umm what are these?" Ben laughs and walks over to her.

"Really Sally? Really? You don't know what those are?" Offender is staring at her breast the whole time making her uncomfortable.

"Well excuse me Link wanna be I died before I even got to be a teen! So no I have no fucking clue what they are!" Her widen at what she said and covers her mouth. "Sorry Ben."

"Now to answer you. Those are called boobs or as men like to call them heaven on earth." Sally laughs. She stops when she remembered something. Sally pulls her hair back and checks her head.

"The cuts still there? Tender I thought you said this is my illusion form why is the cut still there?"

"Was you still alive after your head being cut open?"

"Yea for about two or three minutes before everything went black."

"That would be why you was still human when the cut was made."

"Oh so when can I change back Offender won't stop staring at me?" She crosses her arms over her chest.

"When you get use to the form. Then it will let you change back."

"Fine I'm going to my room." Sally starts to walk off when she trips over the wedges.

"Aww fuck that hurt!" Sally sets up rubbing her chest.

"You ok Sally?" Hoody asked.

"Yea but that hurt like hell!" She takes the wedges off and gets back up. "Ok now I'm going to my room." She walks off leaving her shoes. Everyone goes back to there day and Ben takes her shoes up to her.

"Hey Sally you forgot your shoes."

"Thanks Ben." She smiles. "Can you help me with fighting I need to practice?"

"Sure come at me." She counts to three them runs at him. They fight for a bit before Sally pins him.

"How'd I do?" Ben flips them around pinning her.

"Good till you lost focus. Never lose focus Sally." She looks up into his eyes and her breathing picks up a little. He smiles down at her. Ben leans down and kisses her. Sally at first is shocked but then she let's her teen self take over. She wraps her arms around Ben's neck and kisses him back. He puts his hands on her hips pulling himself down closer to her. Ben then shifts to kissing her neck. Sally remembers how her uncle done when he grabbed her hips. She takes her arms off of Ben's neck and lightly pushes him back.

"Ben stop." He pulls his lips away.

"To soon?"

"I can't keep the memory out of my head." Bloody tears fear Sally's eyes.

"Shhh don't cry Sally. I would never do that to do. I will never hurt you like he did." He looks into her eyes.

"Really?" She still has her bloody tears in her eyes.

"Yes really. Now dry those tears and get some rest I'm going to try to find your uncle."

"Ok Ben." Sally sets up and kisses him one last time before she changes back into the real form. Sally gets in bed.

"What's your uncles name?"

"Johnny Williams." She lies down and falls asleep. Ben walks out going to his room. After hours of looking his computer crashed beyond his repair. So there he is screwed out of a computer. 'Just my luck.' He thinks.

Ben works into the next day trying to repair his computer to avail.

{Authors Note}

Hope you all like the story so far I already had it typed out with chapter in my notes and I screwed it up. When I went to copy it over onto here I hit the wrong button and deleted chapter five. I was like OMFG I JUST DELETED IT!!!!!! (Screams from being pissed at myself.) So yea I had to rewrite it. -.- that was just horrible. :*( D*X. Oh well that's life I guess so here's chapter five hope you enjoyed. =*.*= =^.^= bye until next time guys.

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