Chapter Six

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Sally wakes up and goes outside to play in the woods. She has been out in the woods all day playing. While she is playing someone picks her up from behind. They turn her so she is facing them. Sally sees glowing yellow eyes staring into hers.

"Hi." She says to him. The man looks at her. "Want to play with me?" She looks at him.

"Sure I guess." The man sets her back down and she plays with her dolls.

"What's your name?" Sally ask him admiring his yellow eyes.

"I'm the puppeteer and your name is?"

"Sally Williams." She keeps playing with her doll. The puppeteer sits down in front of her watching her wondering why he hasn't killed her yet. After awhile a rabbit passes by and the puppeteer catches it turning it into one of his puppets.

"Sally do you like puppets?" He grins. She shakes her head yes and he starts making the rabbit move. Sally laughs at the rabbit clapping.

"You're funny puppeteer." She keeps laughing. The sun starts to set.

"It's getting late Sally we better get you home."

"Ok puppeteer."

"Where's your house?"

"I live with the other Creepypastas."

"Really!? That is one of the best places for any Creepypasta." They start walking to the mansion. When they finally get there the puppeteer leaves her at the door.

"Will I see you again puppeteer?" She looks up at him with her dull green eyes.

"Sure I will stop by before you go to bed I'm out killing at night so I can stop by." Sally smiles and says bye before walking in the house. When she gets in the mansion Ben stops her.

"My computer crashed and I can't get it to work we will have to jack someone's computer."

"Ok Ben." Ben takes her hand and they set out on tonight's killing spree.

"Ready for your first killing spree Sally?" Masky asked her.

"Yea! I can't wait!" Hoody picks her up and carries her on his shoulders. Sally laughs and holds on to him so she doesn't fall. When they gets there Hoody sets Sally down. Sally completely freezes when she sees the house. They all noticed.

"What is it Sally?" Eyeless Jack asked.

"This is my house." That was all she said as she looked at the house. A light turns on in her old room and a woman is putting a child to bed. "They must pay. This is my house no one can live here." She climbs up the side when the light turns off. Sally raises the window and climbs in. She sees two little boys asleep in her room. Laughing Jack and Toby climb up to the window watching her. They see Sally's head started bleeding as she stares at the sleeping boys with blood lust lurking in her eyes.

She starts giggling, her hair falls in front of her face, one of the little boys wake up.

"W-who are you?" He says. She doesn't answer him.

"Play with me." She pulls her knife out and covers his mouth. The boy struggles to get away. "Aww you're not playing the game right now you must be punished." She stabs the boy repeatedly in the chest before she slits his throat. The boys blood splatters on her face and arms. He dies and then she moves onto his brother and does the same to the sleeping brother killing him.

Laughing Jack and Toby crawl in. She's still giggling like a manic. They look at her and lead her downstairs. Slender is standing by Ben at the computer. Sally walks over and sits with Hoody and Masky while she is still smiling with blood lust.

Sally starts giggling and they all glance at her. "Should we worry about her?" Masky asked.

"No just her knife." Jeff says. More blood pours down her face from the cut in her head. Laughing Jack tries to take her knife but she cut his hand.

"My knife." She giggles and the rest of them noticed the blood lust in her eyes.

"Jeff take her to another house but make it quick." Slender tells him. Jeff takes Sally by the arm avoiding her knife and takes her to another house. It is quick because it's just an old lady with a bunch of cats. After that kill Sally's eyes return to that dull green and her head stops bleeding.

Jeff wraps Sally up in a hug licking her bloody face. Sally laughs. "Eww Jeff stop that's gross! You gave me Jeff germs!" When her face is clean Jeff sets her down and they walk back to her house. When they get inside she walks back over to the couch and sits down. Hoody and Masky noticed that her head stopped bleeding and her eyes were that normal dull green that they knew.

Ben finally, after hours of searching, finds where Sally's uncle lives. Sally runs over and climbs into his lap looking at the screen. Ben is sitting there blushing. It reads off an address from Georgia.

"I know this address my mommy and daddy would take me to Uncle Johnny's before..." Sally cuts herself off and lowers her head. "Well you know." She continues what she was saying. Hoody picks her up off Ben's lap hugging her.

"Don't worry you get to kill him tomorrow and then everything will be fine." He sets Sally down and they leave going back to the mansion. Ben brings along the computer. When Sally gets in her room she sees the puppeteer sitting on her bed.

"Nice room you got here Sally."

"Thanks." Sally walks over and sits down on her bed next to him. The puppeteer pulls out a little puppet.

"I got another puppet." He starts making the puppet move and Sally laughs. "Shh the others will hear you. They might make me leave." Sally shakes her head and covers her mouth. He continues moving the puppet. Sally giggles a little but not loud enough to let everyone hear.

The puppeteer stays in Sally's room with her a few hours before she starts getting sleepy. "Are you tired Sally?"

She yawns. "Yea. Will you stay with me tonight? I'm going to be lonely tomorrow." The puppeteer smiles.

"Sure I'll stay with you." He lies back in her bed and Sally cuddles up into his side. This surprises him but he let's her. She falls asleep.

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