Chapter Fifteen

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The next day the pastas let Sally sleep in knowing she needs rest. Ben stays in bed with her so she won't wake up.

"Are we really going to let her go in on her own? He could kill her. He's done it before, this time would be for good." Eyeless Jack says.

"But if we step in Sally, Hoody, and Masky could all die." Ben states. "I'm sure as hell not letting her get killed, again."

Around 1pm Sally wakes up. She yawns. "What time is it?"

"1pm we let you sleep in." Ben tells her. "Now you can't do anything that we make you tired, you have to save all your energy."

"Ok then LJ will you go back to the mansion and get me some clothes?" She says in her innocent voice.

"Sure and how do you still pull off the innocent voice in your teen form?" She laughs.

"That's me all sweet and innocent until you piss me off." She giggles. LJ poofs out of the house and back to the mansion. Sally walks into the bathroom with her iPhone to take a shower, locking the door behind her. She turns on the music and gets in the shower turning the hot water on.

She stands in there washing the thick layers of blood from her hair. Sally stands in the water a few minutes before shutting it off. When she gets done Sally wraps a towel around her stepping out of the bathroom. The guys are in the guest room she was staying in. LJ wasn't at the door so she walks to the guest room.

"Is LJ back yet?" Sally keeps a grip on the towel holding it up better.

"Nope not yet." Jeff replies. Ben is grinning at her like an idiot. A minute after she stepped in the room LJ appears in the center of the room.

"I'm back, here you go Sally." He hands her the clothes. "I didn't really know what to get so I had Jill get them."

"Thanks LJ." She walks back to the bathroom and changes. Sally sees Jill picked out a bra that's black with lace, matching panties, a black tank top that hugs her, and black skinny jeans. When she's dressed she goes back to the guest room.

"So what do we do to pass time?" Sally asked.

"I would say drinking game but that would end bad." Jeff says. Sally thinks about it before she walks out of the room. When she comes back Sally has playing cards and uno cards.

"The guy had a game closet." She holds up the two decks of cards. "Which one?"

"I say the playing cards. We could play strip poker." Ben says grinning at Sally.

"One I don't know how to play poker and two I'm not striping." She says back with a smug smile.

"Damn. Ok then uno." The guys agree with uno so that's what they end up playing. After a few minutes in Sally keeps making Jeff draw four.

"Damn it Sally stop! I will not draw anymore fours damn it!" She just laughs at him. Several hands pass when Sally looks out the window.

"It's about time." She says. Sally lies her hand down and stands up. "We better get moving he's expecting me at around six when the sun has set." She tries to keep from shaking. They all follow Sally to the warehouse Johnny told her to be at. When the sun is all the way down Sally walks in with her knife ready and Jeff gave her another one to help out.

Sally looks around seeing Hoody and Masky chained up. "I know you're here Johnny! I've done as you said now you fill your end of our deal to the game and set them free!" Sally shouts. Johnny steps out of the shadows grinning.

"What no hey uncle how have you been? Or hey you look good after I killed you?"

"Enough of this bullshit, set them free now!" She growls, Ben and everyone is watching her.

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