Chapter Eleven

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Sally has been gone about two weeks and they still haven't found her yet. The puppeteer and the other guys are out looking for her now while it's night out. Sally only leaves the abandoned treehouse to hunt but always returns. While the guys are out hunting for her she is sleeping.

The puppeteer and the other pastas are standing close to the edge of Slender woods. Puppeteer is standing there listening to his mind.

"Anything yet puppeteer?" Hoody asked.

"I can since a strong vibe of loneliness but it's not in Slender woods. It's somewhere else." He keeps focusing trying to pen point where the vibe is coming from. "You guys look around in town and the outskirts. I'm gonna follow the vibe and see where it leads." He starts walking along the edge of the woods before they could respond.

After a few hours of walking he makes it to the other side of town. He keeps following the vibe and it leads him to an abandoned treehouse. He climbs up the tree into the little house. He sees Sally asleep on the bed in her illusion form.

Puppeteer carefully picks her up like a baby and gets out of the tree. Her hair falls back revealing the gash in her head. He just ignores it continuing on. He keeps her close to him in case something was to happen. After another few hours of walking he makes it back to Slender woods. Sally is about woke up so he starts singing his song lightly and repeatedly to make sure she stays asleep.

The puppeteer finally makes it to the mansion and walks in silently. Laughing Jill is upstairs sleeping still worrying about Sally. He walks over to the couch in the living room and sits down still holding Sally. He keeps singing his song very low so he won't wake Jill.

While Sally was sleeping her head started bleeding. The puppeteer lies her on the couch going up to her room getting bandages and her teddy bear. He comes back down and holds her in his lap. He bandages her head up then puts the teddy bear in her arms. The puppeteer continues to sing his song to make sure she doesn't wake up.

A few hours pass before the other pastas return. When they walk in they hear singing and go to the living room. They see the puppeteer holding Sally singing a weird song. Hoody and Masky are the first to go over to them. He stops singing.

"I found her on the other side of town." He tells them. He lies Sally on the couch and stands up.

Ben looks down at her. "Why does she have a bandage on her head?"

"At times while she is sleeping her head starts bleeding from bloodlust. She worries about getting the blood in her bed so she wears a bandage. Her head started bleeding when we got here so I put a bandage on her head." The puppeteer responds.

"How do you know that?" Hoody asked.

"She told me one night before she went to sleep. Just like how she doesn't like to be alone at night for the fear of losing everything again. Same thing about her telling me everything."

"Everything?" Laughing Jack questioned.

"Yep. Everything from when Jeff got drunk and touched her to Ben pushing her against a wall to freak her out and more." He grins at Ben. Ben just starts blushing and looks away. "I don't see how she lasted two weeks in an abandoned treehouse by herself." They all just look at each other thinking that they never knew most of that stuff.

Eyeless Jack walks over and sits on the couch beside her. When he sit down he about woke her up. The puppeteer starts singing his song and she stays asleep.

"My song soothes her and helps her fall asleep."

"That song is fucking weird." Ben says.

"What do you expect I sing it right before I kill my victims. It makes them like puppets with my help but to Sally it helps her sleep." He shrugs. "Plus you're one to talk little elf. What didn't Santa need you at the North Pole anymore?" He grins. The others just snicker while Ben glares at him.

"You shouldn't have done that." Ben lunges at him but the puppeteer moves. Ben about lands on Sally but Eyeless Jack catches him.

"That was a close one." EJ says.

"I can't harm you for all the times you've pissed her off but I sure as hell can piss you off in return."

"Oh I feel special now. So what is it you to big of a wuss too harm me or what?" Ben continues to glare at him.

"More like unstated reasons why I can't." He smirks. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to take her up to her room so the noise doesn't wake her." The puppeteer picks Sally up bridal style and sings his song going up the stairs.

"Can we even trust him?" Laughing Jack asked.

"We barely can trust you LJ." Eyeless Jack points out.

"Might as well she knew him for about a month or so before she even told me about him." Jeff says. "Doesn't mean I like him."

"In that case we will let him be around Sally it seems he knows a lot about her that we didn't even know." Masky says. The puppeteer comes back downstairs.

"She's still asleep. I guess I better get going I have done what Jeff summoned me for." He turns to start walking for the door when Hoody stops him.

"We decided to let you stay around Sally." He says.

"Really I thought you guys thought I was a danger to her.?"

"Well it seems you know as much if not more about her than us so she would be heart broken without you. So in that case we can't keep you away from her. But I swear if you hurt her we will hunt you down."

"Ok and again like I told Jeff why would I hurt her? It's more like Laughing Jack you got to worry about he's a kids killer."

"Hey don't bring me into this. I may kill kids but I haven't laid a finger, well claw, on her." Ben goes upstairs to his room. Everyone else starts going to bed leaving the puppeteer downstairs. When he starts up the stairs Ben pulls him into his room pinning him to the wall.

"You better not fucking hurt Sally or anything!" He whisper yells so the others don't hear him.

"Ben I'm not going to hurt her and I'm sure as hell not going to hurt her the same way her uncle did."

"You better not lover boy."

"Lover boy? You think I like Sally?"

"You sleep with her at night and she seems to like you."

"Ben she doesn't like me that way. She likes me as a brother figure same for Hoody, Masky, and Toby. Jeff, EJ, LJ and Jill she likes as best friends. Then you well that should be obvious." Ben just looks at him kinda confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I sleep with her at night to keep her company she gets lonely and fears being alone. I love her like a little sister. Unlike you who likes her as more." Ben looks away blushing.

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Come on she told me about you kissing her. She likes you and you like her." He grins. "You can't tell me you don't like her cause you're blushing right now by me just talking about it."

"Fine I do but I don't see how you know if Sally likes me or not."

"Her emotions I can read them. She feels loneliness, despair, fear at times, happiness, and love but she can't admit it because of her fear of being raped again." Ben unpins him from the wall. "I have to get going before Sally wakes up good luck bro." He walks out leaving Ben there thinking of what he told him.

The puppeteer walks into Sally's room and crawls into bed beside her. He falls asleep keeping Sally close to him.

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