Chapter Twenty Six

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Sally and Ben have been together for awhile now and they love every minute of there time together. Ben is pacing in his room nervous. Puppeteer, EJ, and Jeff heard Ben downstairs in the living room so they come to see what's going.

"Dude what's going on we can hear you downstairs."

"I'm nervous." Ben lowers his head still pacing.

"Stop pacing!" Jeff says before knocking him to the ground.

"What do you even have to be nervous about?" EJ cuts in. When Jeff knocked Ben to the ground a little box fell out of his pocket. Puppeteer saw it. Ben reaches for it but Puppeteer beats him to it. He opens it finding a ring.

"A ring?" He grins looking at Ben. "Your gonna ask Sally to marry you." He says. Ben's face turns red.

"Give me that ring!" Ben growls before getting back up.

"Aww Ben's gonna ask Sally." EJ says with a smirk. "Does Hoody and Masky know?"

"About that.." Ben starts but Jeff cuts him off.

"They don't know do they?" Ben shakes his head no. "You're so screwed."

"Just help me guys I want these to be special for Sally. She deserves it."

"Fine we will help." They all three sigh. They spend the rest of the day planning on what to do.

Sally is hanging with Hoody and Masky in the kitchen. It's pretty silent and it's kinda weird to them. "Ok it's to quite let's get out of here and go killing." Sally says. They agree with her and run out the door. Hoody, Masky, and Sally split up and sneak into a few houses slaughtering the families inside. After a few hours of this they return home and Sally goes up to her bedroom. She takes her underclothes to the bathroom and slips her bloody clothes off before hoping in the shower.

While Sally is in the shower Jill, Jane, and Nina are in her room waiting for her. The guys informed the girls about Ben's plan. They were so excited for Sally. She gets out of the shower and pulls on her underclothes. She gets ready to walk out but once the door's open she sees the three girls on her bed. Jill gets up pulling her into the room and Nina puts a blanket around her. They sit Sally down in a chair and she has a confused look on her face.

"Umm what's going on?" Sally asked keeping the blanket wrapped around her.

"We just want to dress you up. Ben's wanting to take a walk with you later." Jill says.

"Ok then." She agrees to let them pick out an outfit. The girls are looking in her closet for something nice for Sally to wear. Jill finds a dress that has one strap, it is long and flowing, and the dress has a split going up the left slide to about mid thigh. The dress is the same shade of green as Ben's tunic. Jane pulls Sally up taking the blanket off of her. She covers her chest with her arms.

"Sally move your arms this dress will be complicated to get on." She doesn't want to argue so she raises her arms up so they can slip the dress on. Jane pulls the chair up behind her so it will be easier to get it on her. Once the strap is on her arm Nina and Jill pull it down into place.

Jane gets down from the chair grabbing some curling irons and the girls debate on what size curls to go with. They think that middle size curls would look good so they had Jane do her hair. Jill and Nina are looking through her makeup and they pull out light green eyeshadow and lipgloss. They put the makeup on her and when they finish, she looks in the mirror. Sally smiles and they girls smirk.

"So?" They asked her.

"I love it." Sally says before throwing her arms around the girls hugging them. "Thank you girls."

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