Opening Crawl

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Episode VIII:


The GALAXY is in conflict! After the destruction of it's terrifying STARKILLER BASE, the malevolent FIRST ORDER has lost much of the control it had over the galaxy. Systems that once pledged Allegiance to the First Order, now aid THE RESISTANCE in the war.

To combat their loss of territory, the First Order has begun to gather all their military might, and retake the rebelling systems one by one. However, the Resistance fights back bravely, as the last bastion of hope in the galaxy.

Commander of the First Order, Supreme Leader Snoke has summoned Kylo Ren to his command ship THE SUPREMACY, so that the apprentice's training may finally be completed. At the same time, the scavenger Rey, arrives at planet Ahch-to, in the hope that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will rejoin the fight, and teach her what it is to be a Jedi...

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