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So I got inspired to wright this story by the picture above. Peter Parker has a nightmare about what happened with the vulture and Tony comes to comfort him also aunt may died and Tony adopted peter. (I couldn't help it ok?) Lets get this story started shall we.?

Peter's p.o.v.
He trapped me I was stuck I couldn't escape I screamed for help no one heard me I tried lifting it I couldn't but I tried again nothing so I screamed again for help I couldn't lift what ever was on top of me off I tried again then everything went black. ( not really if you haven't seen the movie he was having a nightmare ok sorry back to the story)

I woke up screaming for help I couldn't hold the tears back anymore and broke into tears

Tony's P.O.V.

I heard the kid scream for help I thought he was in trouble so I ran to his bedroom in a way I was right I saw he was in tears and just walked over to the floor of his bed and hugged him because I knew what it was like to have nightmares how terrible they where I never wanted the kid to experience that but I knew I couldn't stop them so I just comforted him .
"Kid, kid calm down ok I need you to calm down" Tony said with a very calm and quiet voice. " What happened can you tell me what happened?" Tony continued Peter just noded his head. "Remeber when I fought the vulture? Well-uh the night of homecoming I went after him he tricked me and his wings made the roof claps on top of me. um... and I- uh couldn't breathe I tried to lift the ruble off of me but-uh after alot of trying I got it off me. But in my dream I couldn't get it of me and I kept screaming for help and," Peter tried not to cry but tears where already rolling down his face so he tried his best to finish, "Then everything went black and I woke up. I-I don't want to die Mr. Stark please don't let me die." Peter said while crying "Don't worry kid I wont let you die don't worry."
Tony said while he continued to hug Peter. Eventually peter fell asleep on Tony so he just leaned up against the bed and fell asleep. But before he did he thought to himself, I need to keep this kid safe no matter what it takes. Then he fell asleep. (They fell asleep in the positions that are in the picture)

Peter's P.O.V.

It felt good to tell Mr. Stark what happened but I was a little embarrassed that I cried in front of him but it will pass. At breakfast he said to stop calling him Mr stark and to call him dad or Tony which mad me chuckle a little so I just replied with ok and went to do my Spider-man-ing.
Authors note.

So that was the end of the story I hope you enjoyed it sorry for any spelling errors it's almost ten at night and I'm exhausted. Any who I really hope you enjoyed it this is what I thought of when i saw the pic above and it's frankley a really adorable pic so yup. I need a name for this story still instead of to be determined so please comment ideas and any suggestions for a story. Also how do I make author's notes?

~ Allday Kittuppie

P.S. the ending isn't impirtant but I thought that would be a good ending but I'm tired so don't judge, also in the comments no bad words please. In the future they will talk more but it's my first story so yup.

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