Dr. Strange X sister!reader

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A/N: my friend requested this so we'll see how far this goes. Also you're a superhero called razorwhip. (Costume above) your 20 in this. Hypermetric hope this is good.

Y/N (your name)

(Y/N's P.O.V)

I'm so excited I get to go to the avengers compound with my older brother today. Nobody knows I even exist, except obviously my brother. Anyway we where about to walk in when my brother turned to me. "You cannot tell them you're real name until I tell you so. Understand?" My brother asked, I just nodded and walked in. As soon as I walked in I heard a very annoying beeping sound. "Intruder, in the main room. Beeeeeeeeeeep" a voice said   out of no where.  "FRIDAY! It's just me and a friend." my brother said walking in.  "Hello Wizard Doctor. The other avengers are in the common room." The robot known as Friday told my brother. "PETER! QUIT CHANGING MY NAME ON FRIDAY TO WIZARD DOCTOR! IT'S JUST DR. STRANGE!" My brother shouted to the ceiling. All of a sudden a teen around the age of 15 jumped from the ceiling, causing me to yelp in surprise. "Sorry Mr. Stange." The teen muttered. "What the heck are you?!" I asked the teen, "oh, I'm Peter Parker-Stark(Tony adopted him), you I'm assuming are (Y/N)? Is that correct?" The teen now known as Peter asked me ,  "Yes and you didn't answer my question, I asked '"What the heck are you"' not who are you. I know for a fact that the ceiling is very high and there are no balconys up there." I said looking at him expectantly.


What does this girl expect me to tell her? 'Oh also I'm spiderman!' Like for real! I barely know her! "What do you want to know from me?" I asked her harshly. "I know you're spiderman, you can tell by the web shooters poorly hidden under you're sleeves, and the fact you are sticking to a wall might help to." (Y/N) replied. Wait I'm what?! How did I not notice that?! Wait if she's with Mr. Strange than "You're razorwhip!" I shouted she looked taken back by what I said, "I-i don't know what you're talking about!" She replied hesitantly. "Sure, you're legit dressed in you're razorwhip costume, the only thing you don't have that you usually do is you're mask." I told her.

(No one's P.O.V)

"Peter this is my sister (Y/N), (Y/N)  this is Peter. Now if you excuse us we have to go." Dr. Strange said as he and (Y/N) walked away. They walked into the conference room and sat down. "Sorry we're late we where held up." (Y/N) said agitated. "Let me guess Peter changed you're brother's name again to doctor who?" Tony asked, "Actually this time he changed it to wizard doctor." Strange said from where he sat. The avengers finished there meeting after an hour and all left except (Y/N) she was walking around the compound when she decided it was time for her to leave. She was exiting when she heard Friday tell her goodbye. "Goodbye silver princess" "PETER PARKER-STARK!! GET YOU'RE A** OVER HERE AND CHANGE THIS NAME!!" (Y/N) screamed that's how Peter found himself upsidedown on the ceiling tied with his webs.

A/N: this isn't that bad.

So I'm planning o trying to do two of these xreader one shots. So at the beginning of every month comment and reader suggestions and I'll pick two of my favorites and do those.

Remember with great boredom comes great irresponsibility.


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