The aftermath

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A/N: you're probably going to hate me.


Tony was on titan alone. Peter was gone he was gone the one person that brought light to his life is dead. Tony sobbed he sobbed for his son.

"Hey Tony, my Aunt kicked me out do ya think I could stay here for a bit?" The teen asked embarressedly. Tony hugged him. "Yeah kid stay as long as you need." Tony told him. A couple of months later he had adopted him. A moth later he started calling him dad. Two months later he died.

6 months after Tony adopted Peter he died, in his arms.

"If you die I feel like that's on me." Tony told the teen. He felt like that now he felt like it was all his fault. Tony sobbed until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Je looked up and saw a blue woman. "We need to get out of here." She told him, he nodded and followed her to a ship.

They made it back to earth and where in wakanda. The blue female walked over to a raccoon and started to talk to it. The raccoon started to cry after a bit and just sat on the ground.

Tony walked over to the other avengers. "Please tell me you killed him." Tony said voice hoarse from crying. They all shook there heads,not trusting there voices. All of the avengers then broke down into tears because most of there family is gone. They where broken but a family non the less.

Okoyo walked to where she was sure Shuri would be. "Okoyo! Where's my brother?" Shuri asked worried. Okoyo just stood there for a second. "I'm sorry. He is gone." She told Shuri looking down. Shuri broke down in tears her brother was gone. The king was gone.


*breaths in deeply* I'm so sor-who is cutting onions in my room?!

Hope this and cried. Remember

With great boredom comes great irresponsibility.


The Avengers: Hidden SecretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon