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OK I'm sorry for not updating since fryday (see what I did there??🤓🤓😁😁😛)
I have been having writers block and soooo I will try my best to update at least 2 times tomorrow. Here is a little really short story.


(Peter's P.O.V.)
I was sitting in the common room in avengers tower watching t.v. when Nat walked in. (FRIDAY announced her arrival) we had become pretty close so my spidey senses didn't go off like the others. (His senses still wherent used to the other avengers he didn't know why. )
Anyway this was our conversation  "hey Nat what's up?" I asked. "Nothing just got back from a mission.  What about you DETSKIY PAUK?" She asked. "Just watching t.v." I answered.  'I need to find out what DETSKIY PAUK means ' I thought to myself.

~~~Time skip~~~

( Peter's P.O.V.)

I'm sitting in my room looking through Google translate when I finally  find out what  DETSKIY PAUK means.   "Finally!" I shout out loud by accident.
Then I search what mama spider is.


I'm up early to talk to Nat so I go to the kitchen and she looks at me a bit weird because I'm never up this early on a saturday.
"Good Morning DETSKIY PAUK." she greets
"Good Morning  MAMA PAUK" I say.  She just looks at me and smiles. I notice  that Bucky is looking at us  in a weirdish way and I  glance my eyes towards him so Nat see's. "No Barnes he isn't my son it's a nickname" she replies knowing what he was thinking. 
"So if he was would that make Steve the PAPA PAUK?" Bucky  asks.  (Any one get it)
"I guess, I don't know we have only been dating for 1 1/2 months." she replies
Then I realize what he said and sighed in my head ( I don't even know) I don't have to go through google translate again. "Bye guys I've got to go patrol." I wave before going to my room.
Short I say longer than expected but I still think it's cute anyway. I love Google translate  it took a bit to search but yay. From now on when something is in a different language besides English it will be capitalized also sorry if this was cringy. Also #ROMANOGERS4LIFE

~ Allday Kittuppie

DETSKIY PAUK=baby spider in Russian
MAMA PAUK= mama spider in Russian
PAPA PAUK= papa spider in Russian
Ok just a quick translation byeeeeeee✌✌✌✌🤓✌✌

Edit: Oh. My. Word. It's cringy but here's another edit.

The Avengers: Hidden Secretsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें