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Kennedy sighed to herself as she got ready for school. Kennedy felt scared knowing it was the first day back to school since the fire, she was scared ever since the fire and had trouble sleeping since all she could think about was being trapped in that school and feeling completely and utterly terrified. Kennedy sighed as she ran her hand through her hair and walked down to see Maxine who was sitting in the living room and looked to her "where's Steph?" Kennedy asked as Maxine looked to her and sighed "shes at school, she left early for her new job, pastoral care" Maxine said as Kennedy smiled "im off, ill see you later" Kennedy said as she felt to find Aimee and walked out and found her waiting across the street. Kennedy smiled to her "are you okay?" Kennedy asked as Aimee shock her head "my dad took autumn" she said with tears in her eyes as Kennedy looked to her "we'll find her and we will get her back, I promise" Kennedy said as Aimee smiled.


Kennedy and Aimee got to school and walked through the hall and looked to see grantly walking down the hall with a wig "oh my god, Aimee look at this" Kennedy said as she pointed to grantly as Aimee started laughing "nice look sir?" Kennedy asked as grantly walked past them, keeping his head held high "is it your new pet? does it have a name" Aimee asked as he walked away as they continued to laugh as Steph and tom stood down the hall watching on. Aimee looked to Kennedy and smiled.

"how are you, with being back here. Have you spoke to tom?" she asked as Kennedy looked to her and sighed "I've been avoiding tom, since the fire" Kennedy said as Aimee looked to her and frowned "why?" she asked as a tear rolled down her face "I got burnt, what if he doesn't want me or does find me sexy anymore" Kennedy said as Aimee looked to her and smiled "tom loves you, of course he will and nothing will chance that" Aimee said as she pulled Kennedy into a hug.


Kennedy walked down the hall later that day and looked to see tom who was in his classroom. She looked to him as he smiled "hey stranger" he said as she walked in and closed the door and walekd over to him "have you met the new family? that earl, he is nuts im telling you, he pretended to shot me" tom said as he had the back to her as she sat on the desk and sighed "tom, I need to talk to you" she siad as he turned to face her and frowned "are you breaking up with me? I know that I have been distant, we both have. I just thought that you would want space since the fire . Look whatever it is, ill do it. I love you" he said as he walekd over and placed his hands on her face.

She could see that he was crying which broke her heart. She felt the tears roll down her eyes "im not, I swear. I need to show you something" she said as he stood back and pulled up her top and showed him the burn on her ribs. He looked to her and smiled as he looked to the burn "the fire? its why you have been avoiding me" he said as she nodded "its okay, your still beautiful to me" he said as he kissed her and pulled her into a hug as she tried not to cry.

So wrong, yet so right (Waterloo Road)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt