Chapter 1

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(3rd Person + Salem's realm)

Another dead body was in front of the pale-skinned woman known as Salem. Only this time, she had a clear face of irritation, her arms crossed with a scowl. Then with a sigh of reluctance she waved her hand causing the black substance to appear again and consume the body. Said body rose back up with a familiar body physique, her dress was even intact along with all the hair on her head.

Salem: Melissa, I have been patient, but now I'm starting to lose said patience. Not only did you lose to the boy a third time, but you took him seriously as well. If that doesn't spell out your incompetence, I don't know what will.

Melissa: Forgive me, but, I was able to salvage something valuable from (Y/N) after I 'died'...

Salem: Oh? Is it valuable enough to spare your life?

Salem held a dark orb with red lightning crackling around it staring down Melissa who grew a defiant glare. Her hand clenching slowly ready to fight back, however, Melissa's other hand reached into the air before a box made of wood plopped into her hand after suddenly appearing.

Melissa carefully removed the lock on the box and opened it widely, she smiled at the contents before slowly turning them to Salem. Salem's expression instantly brightened, a wide smirk appearing on her face as she saw the inside of the box.

Salem: This is more than enough to prove your worth, so, your true objective of fighting (Y/N) (L/N) was this all along?

Melissa: I always plan ahead...

Salem: That you do, with this, the capture of (Y/N) (L/N) is guaranteed...

(3rd Person + Beacon Academy)

Inside the famous academy for hunters, the single person who always felt happiness no matter the situation was standing in front of a mirror in the locker-rooms which would be used for combat class. His (H/C) hair and (E/C) making it obvious who it was. The only difference was: they were staring ahead at their own image with an amused smile at his new clothes: a one sleeved long (F/C) shirt, the other sleeve seemed to be torn off on his right side. He also wore a pair of brand-new jeans with no holes or tears visible, he was also wearing a pair of white and red sneakers along with his right arm which should be exposed completely covered in bandages.

(Y/N): Even with one arm, I'm still able to kick Cardin's butt!

His smile grew wider while staring at his bandaged arm, he slowly flexed his fingers causing him to wince and quickly grab his arm with a brief gasp of pain.

???: (Y/N)? You ok?

(Y/N) panted slightly while his uninjured arm rested on the mirror in front of him, he sighed through his nose before his signature wide smile reappeared on his face before facing the owner of the voice. A male with short blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a piece of chest armour and staring at him in concern.

(Y/N): Never better Jaune! In fact, why don't we head to the dining hall and grab a bag of brownies?

Jaune: They don't sell brownies in the dining hall though...

(Y/N): Silly Jaune! You haven't seen the black market part of the dining hall!

Jaune: The what!?

(Y/N): Huh?

Jaune: Are you sure that injury doesn't affect your brain too?

(Y/N): What's that supposed to mean?

Jaune: Never mind, come on, let's go get our food.

(Y/N): Of course! Never miss out on an opportunity for food!

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