03: her

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03: her

"Yeri!" Lisa yells my name, pulling me in a tight hug, making Jungkook's arm fall from my shoulder. I hug her back as Jungkook goes and greets our other friends.

"Happy birthday, Yeri," Namjoon says.

"It's not my birthday yet," I roll my eyes, a bit annoyed.

"But tomorrow we will be celebrating right?" Jimin asks. His hair was now bleached, not its fluffy pink anymore. There was also a girl clinging onto his arm.

In fact most most of the guys did, making me upset. They weren't actually dating them because they liked them, no, they were just doing it as sort of competition.

And what made me even more upset that Jungkook also played this 'game' too. That even if he ever did ask me out it would be most likely to add me to his list.

"Come on, class starts soon," Lisa grabs my hand pulling me away from all of them. She links her arms with me, pulling me again into our empty classroom.

"Nobody's even here yet," I whine.

"I know," she says and then looks me into the eyes, standing right in front of me. "Did you tell him yet?" She whispers.

Ugh not again with this Jungkook crap. I shake my head not wanting to elaborate on it.

"Well I think you should soon because I heard he was planning on asking out Gia."

My eyes go wide. "Who told you that?"

"Namjoon... oh and speaking of Joon, he is planning on asking you out."

I hold me head in my hands shutting my eyes as she leads me to our seats in the room. More people were starting to come in.

"I'm sorry, I know you really like Jungkook but maybe you should say yes to Namjoon."

"What?!" I shout, making everyone look at me. I apologize and go back to Lisa. "Why would I do that?!"

"Because maybe it will help you get over Jungkook."

"I'm already over him," I lie, keeping my eyes to the front of the room. And before can she protest, the our teacher walks in, starting today's lesson.


The first 3 periods pass by slow and it's finally time for lunch. I walk to the usual table I sit at and waited for someone to appear.

Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, Hobi, Taehyung, and Lisa come walk in a couple minutes later, taking their usual seats.

"Where's JK?" Yoongi asks looking around.

I shrug my shoulders in response. I didn't want to think about him.

"Probably fucking some bitch."



"Not in front of the girls!" Hobi covers Lisa's ears.

"Get your hands off me!" Lisa shouts making me giggle.

But right on cue I see Jungkook walk outside towards our picnic table.

But he wasn't alone.

My smile drops when I see his arm around a girls waist. Her black hair, slick straight, wearing so much makeup, making her face look a little caked. Her skirt was way to short and she unbuttoned too many of the buttons on her blouse, giving a is a view of her cleavage.

"Hey guys," Jungkook smiles and takes his usual seat right next to me. Gia climbs on his lap, placing his hands on her upper thigh.


Lisa taps my shoulder and makes a motion, pointing to her mouth. I mirror her motions as Yoongi snickered from beside her.


I could hear them then both from beside me. My stomach started to turn and I felt sick all of a sudden. I got up and excused myself.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, he looks worried but I brush it off.

How could he do this to me? Yes, I know, he doesn't know I like him, but Gia? Really? He could do so much better, he deserves so much better.

"No," I answer him. I feel tears build up behind my eyes. I walk away from the table, trying to find the nearest bathroom.

Once I get to the restroom I fall to the ground in the corner. A few moments later I hear Lisa run in and she sits down next to me, wrapping her arms around me.

"You don't deserve him Yeri." she smooths my hair with her hands.

I know.

I know.

I know.

But why did I still want him?

"Plus, he's only dating her because of their competition, remember?" She was probably right, but my heart wasn't buying it.

I cry into her arms, holding her tight, wishing it was Jungkook instead, making me cry harder.


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