12: busy

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12: busy

The next week came and went in a blur. I didn't even realize it was Friday again until everyone started to make plans for the weekend.

Namjoon and I hung out more often so I wasn't surprised when he said that he was gonna come over later.

He gave me a peck on my cheek and I blushed from the attention he was giving me lately. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.

Except that I could.

Jungkook and I haven't really talked much since last Friday at my party. I don't like not talking to him.

Why is everything to screwed up now?

I wanted him to know that I cared about him and that I am here for him, but it seems that he is always busy and doesn't have time for me anymore.

It's not fair.

But then again it is.

I've been trying to keep busy too. My face is usually stuck in a new book daily or I'm with Namjoon. I haven't even seen much of Lisa but that's because she's with Taehyung.

They really hit it off at the party but something tells me that it didn't come out of nowhere. I need to ask her about it later.

At the moment, we were outside in our usual picnic table that we sat usually. Everyone was in there spot except for one.

Since Gia didn't have a spot, she would sit on Jungkook's lap. No one seemed to mind and it seemed normal.

But I did mind.

"Jungkook~ah, come over tonight..." I could here her whisper in his ear. I could feel my lunch start to come back up.

They were sitting so close to me that I could hear every little thing, every little movement.

"Anything for you," he replies giving her pecks on her neck, making her giggle.

I can't handle this. I swear that I'm gonna explode any day now. And it's not gonna be pretty.

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