22: ready

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22: ready

"Kids are still depressed when you dress them up and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup."

It was the next Friday and things seemed to be finally looking up for once. Lisa and Taehyung were lying on my bed being all cozy as I got ready for my date with Jungkook.


I never thought I would be saying those words in my life.

I feel as if I just turned off a faucet, as if all my problems have just shut off. I wanted to soak this feeling in. Who knows how long it will last.

I sat on the floor in front of my long mirror. My face looked clear from not wearing as much make up anymore but I still felt insecure in my looks.

"All the make up in the world won't make you feel less insecure."

Ha. How wrong but so right the statement was.

Jungkook has told me that I looked beautiful with and without makeup. He said that I was perfect just the way I am. He said that I shouldn't have to change for anyone.

What a charmer.

"Put the yellow dress on," Lisa shouts from the bed. Her head was on V's lap, turned towards me. He was playing with her hair, not taking his eyes off of hers.

"He's seen me in that one," I brush my blond hair, getting all the knots out.

"He has seen you in everything," I could hear her roll her eyes at me, but it was true. "You look really pretty in yellow. Oh! And where the wear the grey vans with them."

"Alright," I get up and walk to my closet, slipping the dress on. It hugged my hips perfectly and ended right above my knees. It felt so soft, the sleeves the perfect length. It was the perfect dress.

I walked back to my mirror, slipping some high white socks and the vans. I twirled in the mirror, smiling to myself.

"You look perfect!" Lisa hops off the bed hugging me from behind.

"Wait! Let me take a picture," Taehyung gets up and grabs my Polaroid camara from my night stand, taking a quick picture. Lisa and I pose, smiling cutely at the camara. The flash goes off, a piece of film coming out. "Perfect. my two beautiful girls."

We giggle from the compliment and continue to dance around the room. We laugh and smile together, having a good time.

I check the time on my phone, it reading 5:30. Jungkook would be here in a half our.
I grab my Dr. Pepper lip balm my dad got me from the States and put some on, giving my lips some color.

I felt beautiful.

I examined myself one more time in the mirror. I felt like something was a bit off. My eyes scanned my whole body making sure everything was in place.

I grabbed a pair of earrings from my jewelry box and decided to put some pearls in. I decided to also quickly put my hair in a half up hair do, to make it look nicer.

I stand up and smooth out my dress out, trailing my hands down to my stomach. I hold on it a little longer than I should have. I stare at my hands, feeling all these different emotions all of a sudden. I didn't know if I should cry or laugh.

"Jungkook has been talking a lot about you. He's been really looking forward to tonight," Taehyung comments from my bed. Lisa and him were sitting in the middle, his arms around her body.

What a lucky bitch.

"Really?" I put a strand of my hair behind my ear. I could feel my spirit being lifted higher and higher.

"Hmmm," he mumbles into Lisa's hair. She starts to play with his hands and they both start to giggle.

"Yeah, yeah okay love birds, Jungkook will be here soon. Final thoughts?" I twirl for them one last time, a big smile on my face.





They both shout complements at me and I fall on the bed with them, laughing.


"He's here!" The sound of his car beeping wakes me up as I jump to my feet. Lisa gets up too and throws me my black bag.

"Have fun!" She kisses both my checks and gives me a big hug. Taehyung does the same, mimicking Lisa's movements.
I wave them goodbye and shoot out the door.

I run downstairs, opening the front door to find Jungkook standing outside of his car, across the street.

I smile as I skip my way across the street to him, his arms open for me. I hug him, my stupid smile getting bigger by the second.

"Are you ready?" He asks me walking across to the other side of the car, opening the door for me.

I give him a quick pec on the cheek, grinning like a fool. "So fucking ready."

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