17: regret

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17: regret

"So, are you out?" Yoongi nudges Taehyung's arm. I could here Hobi snicker from the corner of the couch. This was supposed to be a good thing, V being out of the race.

"Out of what?" Lisa lifts her head from Taehyungs lap, confused.

We have all noticed how much time they have been spending together for the past couple weeks. They haven't said anything but we can tell that they are together.

Lisa changed him in a short time. I never thought I would see the day Taehyung finally settle down with one girl, he was known to have a girlfriend, usually more than one at a time.

He still isn't as bad as Jimin, or wasn't as bad.

We were all at my house hanging out without Yeri and Jungkook because they were at a dinner with their parents. Yeri told me she really didn't want to go, something happened between her and Jungkook.

She has been different around me lately, doesnshe knows what's going on? Did she finally realize that I'm actually not into her? Did Jungkook finally convince her?

"V quit the bet," Jin walks in the living room with pop corn, sitting next to me. Jin was very pleased when Taehyung admitted to liking Lisa, he wants us all to do the same as V.

What a hypocrite.

"What? Really?" Lisa looks at Taehyung who has a shade of light pink on his cheeks.

"Thanks guys," he says, rolling his eyes. He was now getting all flustered and annoyed from the attention of this subject. He got that from Yeri

"You did that for me?" It was like she forgot she wasn't alone. Soon after they started making out on the couch they were sharing, eating each other's faces.

Jimin clears his throat and walks to my end of the coach, sitting next to me. "So how are you and Yeri?"

"Almost there," I reply, I don't want to talk about this in front of Lisa, she tells Yeri everything.

"How much longer?" Hobi asks, moving closer towards Jimin and I.

"I'm gonna try this week," I wanted to finish this bet as soon as possible. I felt guilty playing with her feeling, this whole situation is messed up. She's one of my closest friends.

"Try what?" Lisa asks from across the room.

Shit. Fuck. Fuck.

Why couldn't they wait until she left? What am I gonna tell her?

"I'm gonna tell Yeri~ah I love her," I lie smoothly. I pretend to act flustered which makes her believe me in a second.

"Yay! When?" Her face lightens up. She seems okay and happy with the idea. But I don't like lying to her or Yeri.

Why are we like this?

"The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth."

Yeri read me this quote yesterday. That's one thing I like about her. She always knows what to say in each situation. It was like she's physic.

I just hope this lie doesn't hurt us too much.

1 week later

Yeri arrived 30 minutes ago and we were watching a movie together in my house. Today is the day I was gonna tell her I love her and hopefully, if everything goes as planned, I'll sleep with her.

I wrapped my arms around her while she laid her head on my shoulder. She felt warm, her blond cair covering some of my view of the TV.

"I love you, Yeri," I suddenly blurted out, it was now or never. My eyes didn't leave the TV screen, I was too worried about her reaction.

She jerks up and looks back at me, "what? Love?" She sounds surprised. Did she not get the signals I've been showing through out the week?

I've been complimenting her more than often, I brought flowers for her, bought her chocolates...




I started to panic. "Yes Yeri. I love you, you mean so much to me," I gave her a small smile.

She started to get up backing away from the couch. I got up trying to grab her hand but she kept walking backwards, creating more distance between us.


"I got to go," she says and starts walking towards the door, grabbing her phone along the way.

"Yeri! Wait!" I call after her and jog towards the foyer. I grab her wrist making her stop.

She can't leave like this. Maybe I can explain everything to her.

At least some of it.

"Namjoon, I can't do this now, I'll talk to you tomorrow at school," it looked like she was about to cry.

Did she know I was lying?

I swear if Jungkook had anything to do with this, I will not be afraid to put him in his place.

"Please don't go," I whisper. I want to make this right. I regret everything. I want to take it all back.

"Let go of me," her voice shakes and I reluctantly let go of her.

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