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y/n's point of view

i heaved in as much air i could as i swiftly wiped the endless tears that were falling more and more each millisecond.

I'm such a ugly crier

i wiped my nose and cried more as doyoung gave me a warm hug. rubbing my back and humming back trying to calm me down.

it slowly worked as my tears tried down as my eyelids as well. his sweet soft humming was so peaceful. his comfort was so kind and supporting to me, not sure how or why, it just was.

he continued to rub my back and hum, only slower and quieter, i sighed as i wiped away my makeup and all the tears, with the makeup wipes and tissues doyoung gave me.

i looked up at doyoung with a straight line across my lips, he returned a small kind hearted small back, to which i could only pitifully smile back to.

" i'm...so so sorry...i dragged you into this---i...you must feel disgusted right now. you've seen me at such ugly and horrible moments...how do you still support me so much?"

doyoung shook his head in a strong no as he put his hands on each side of my shoulders and turned me to his face. he looked back at me with a blank expression turning more soft.

" i was the one who decided to come here, stop blaming yourself.  "

he explained as he petted my hair with a soft smile laying on his lips.

" and moments like these make me feel more closer to you. "

doyoung said lighting up a spark in his eyes as tears slowly form again. i don't deserve him.

" I'm sorry. i cry so easily haha.."

i said in a whisper like way looking down with the tears in my eye's

after the whole crying incident, doyoung left and i decided to make some tea and go to my secret snack jour, or well..the not so secret snack jour

it got less 'secretive' when he stopped coming home and didn't really steal any more snacks now, there wasn't really a reason for it to be a secret.

i grabbed a jelly and ripped off the plastic and placed the sweet jelly inside my mouth as i sit down on the couch scrolling through my social media

i hear the doorknob twist with the sound of keys along side it, making my head look up at the opening door. it revealed non other than jung jaehyun himself right in front of me.

i tried to contain in my tears that were ready to spill out. i placed a weak forced smile but he just turned around the moment he came in and put his jacket on the coat hanger by the door and headed to the kitchen completely ignoring me.

the tears were already forming in my eyes as i saw him walk away like as if i was just a shadow.

i sigh and walk to him with the same weak smile i unintendedly always had when jaehyun comes back home. he ignores me  and walks to the bedroom, i sigh and give up.

i walked into the bedroom and saw him lay in bed, magically already undressed.
i already had my night clothes on since they were the most comfortable outfit to wear on lonely weekends.

i laid down on the bed, back to back aside to jaehyun. oh how much it hurt to know that we've become too awkward to look at each other. i tried to ease my body to fall asleep easier.


it was 10pm

not too late right? so i shouldn't have made such a reaction to my phone ringing. he seemed so genuinely confused and judgmental when he looked at my reaction

i embarrassedly picked up my phone with a frown with a cheery voice prepared for the call.


i answered sharply with the tiredness oozing from my voice as i heard the bedsheets shift. jaehyun had already moved past the whole call thing i guess, since he turned his back again and started to try and sleep.

i left the bedroom quietly not wanting to wake or irritate jaehyun more.

"ahhh yes y/n, theres a new worker here. since you're the best employee i want you to train him. he's arriving tomorrow. so be there early okay?"

before i could answer with a yes to my boss he already answered the question himself and hanged up. i sighed and quietly got back in bed and slept trying my best not to stress and cry myself to sleep.

the next morning

it was the next morning. Monday.
just like that, our forth anniversary had just flew by like a small speck of dust that no one bothered to care about.

i woke up early like boss had told me too, i got changed into a decent outfit and did a small bit of makeup like i always do and looked at jaehyun, he really was so beautiful...i wish i could've stayed longer but i had to leave and go to work.

i arrived in work with the fake smile i always wore to work. i walked into the building and was greeted by the same forced welcomes I've been getting for a year now.

i came into my work space and saw a cheerful smile greet me, i raised my grow looking at the smiling person in front of me.

"hello! I'm the new worker here! My name is--"



as you can clearly tell,
the chapter WAYY
longer than usual lol
my friend told me that
my chapters were too short.
sorry if this is too long hhHH--

and i have no idea who to have as
the new employee so...um
comment or pm me smt lol
or not--my book isn't that
popular yet-- i think I'm letting
the fact that i have 200 reads thing
go wayy over my head lol
I'm proud of myself thoo--


922 ; words ∆

1018 i̶f̶ y̶o̶u̶ i̶n̶c̶l̶u̶d̶e̶ m̶y̶ n̶o̶t̶e̶ t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ i̶d̶k̶

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