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i walked around with tear stains on my face and a hollow look completely it. i felt empty and cold. i should be happy though right?

i ended a toxic relationship and i took charge of it. but why am i more sad and mad then proud and happy?

maybe because i spent four damn years with him. if only i had fallen for someone else. i sighed and was walking to who knows where. i had no place of my own since i obviously gave jaehyun the key to our, no his place.

my phone laid quietly in my hand, i turned off the notifications cause I'm sure that he might've at least called or texted me once. i didn't want to see it. in fact, i wanted to delete his number.

but i couldn't.

how sad i thought to myself as i wandered around the area that was now setting. it was getting dark.

i brought my phone up to my face with empty eyes and a blank expression. i was right, jaehyun has been texting and calling me. why now. why only now are you caring for me?

i swiped my phone trying to ignore all the notifications from jaehyun. i clicked onto the contact name "bunny baby🐰" and called him and luckily he picked up.

"oh (Y/N)!"

his bright voice picked up as soon as he answered, a small smile was brought to my face, though it seemed to be more sad than happy.

"hi doyoung.."

i said in a monotone voice, i didn't intend to but i really sounded bad. doyoung had to quickly notice and asked what was wrong. i told him what happened and as i told him i felt tears drop down even when i thought i had cried all of my tears.

"oh..I'm sorry (Y/N)...here, how about this, you can come over to my place for a while until you find your own okay? okay! are you hungry now? I'll make you something-"

a sad smile fell from my face as a genuine one replaced it. he was too generous. as he worriedly talked on the phone with basically himself.

"i wish i fell for you first."

i thought to myself while he mumbled and talked worriedly to me on the phone. honestly he'd be able to make up a whole conversation just by myself.

"I'll be there in a couple of minutes! oh- and you don't need to make food..I'm already in front of a noodle shop.."

i hang up the phone and took a breath in. i walked into the noodle shop with my hunger biting me in the back. i didn't want to waste doyoung's food and ingredients..

i really don't want to waste too much. he was already doing such a favor by letting me stay there until i found a place for myself.

i entered into the shop and the little bell rang one quiet time and i ordered one ramen and sat down. i looked down to my phone and went to the app youtube and looked for my headphones in my bag, i found it and plugged it in. i didn't want more attention today.

i clicked onto my notifications, seeing a reply to my comment. i was arguing with someone on the internet, childish right?

CUT OFF || ❅ Cold ❅ || Jung Jaehyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now