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707!:!:#2562 POV

I look up at him with smile while rubbing off my tears.

"What is it? I would love to help you with anything..unlESS YOU WANT TO BREAK INTO A BANK AGAIN-Thats a nO"

I say with a smile and dried tears while he just responded passionately back with maybe a little anger.


I laughed and hit his arm and shook my head with shut eyes and a smirk.

"Actually, that was FOR (Y/N), but okay if that's what you say so."

He just gritted his teeth with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, i guess you would know best since you were the one to save my ass"

I giggle at the statement and nod my head. I remembered all those happy times when it was just me, (Y/N), jaehyun and wonseok. We were probably the weirdest group of friends there was.. I miss them. I wiped away the wetness in my eyes and looked back at wonseok.

"So, if you're not robbing a bank. What do you need help with?"

I say with curiosity in my voice looking at him. He just laid back with a calm expression.

"I was wondering if you could give some money to my little sister..shes...shes been hospitalized for a couple months now.."

(Y/N)'s POV

I looked up at the blue sky with a small smile on my face. I tried my best to keep calm but i got a couple stares here and there, wouldn't be surprised if it was because of that video.

I looked around the small city and headed straight to the small tea shop with a bright smile prepared and looked up at the front. This tea shop was really simply nice. It wasn't really fancy, but it still had this pretty aspect to it that i absolutely loved about it.

I walked in and heard the small bell ring. Luckily there wasn't much customers at this hour. I knew the perfect hours to peacefully get my tea. headed to the cashier with my smile on and they returned it though i would feel some sense of judgement i shrugged it off.

"Could i get the soft cream tea?"

I asked politely and they went off to get the tea. Honestly this place is quite popular though its a small place. It was pretty genius. They brought the tea and gave me the white medium sized box. I thanked them, payed and left. I heard small murmurs through the customers but ignored them.

I walked through the homey city and paused turning to my left to a new bakery I've never really seen before. 'it must be a new bakery and business' i thought to myself. The bakery looked really adorable to say the least.

It would probably end up being in the 'aesthetic' category. The theme was mainly white but it had a warm light peach color along with it here and there that matched it with nicely shaped windows..which is actually quite weird to say now that i think about it.

But the windows did look strangely nice? The whole design really looked very nice. So much i thought i should've taken a photo. With my photographic skills i took about three nice 'aesthetic' pictures and looked at them with a smile.

CUT OFF || ❅ Cold ❅ || Jung Jaehyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now