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i sigh to myself ignoring all of the judgemental looks. I'm actually quite surprised that mooki didn't see the video, i mean..now that i think about it. she never really liked going online.

i arrive at doyoung's place and casually do the password and place all of the sweets and the box of the tea. it looked a bit like a mess so i cleaned it up a bit so it looked nicer. i smiled looking at the neat place.

i grabbed a small pot to boil some water for my tea but instead replaced the water for soy milk. the tea packet already had soy milk infused but i found out that it tastes and feels better when soy milk is used instead of water
cause it kinda feels like..ya know' watery.

i grabbed a cute tea cup that was in the cabinets. i smiled looking at the adorable tea cup. just admiring the tea cup. i always loved nice designed cute things.

"i never would've though doyoung would have this in his place-actually, now that i think about it. its not really surprised haha."

i say to myself in almost a faint voice soon after heard the door open to my left. i saw doyoung basically glowing.

"are you talking to yourself (Y/N)? haha"

he said while walking toward me to pat my head. i simply rolled my eyes with a faded smile. he wasn't wearing any makeup and to be very honest, he doesn't need it at all. he is quite literally a painting. if..that makes sense?

doyoung looked over to the soy milk i was boiling with a amused look. he looked back at me and leaned his back against the counters facing me with a calm expression.

"whatcha makin'? also whats in the cute boxes?"

he asked with his brows raised. i turned to his direction and looked at him with a small smile hiding my embarrassment noticing how much there really was. i pointed at the light peachy colored boxes with a confused look with my brows raised a bit.

he laughed and nodded with a bright smile that i love so much. i hummed and thought if i should tease him or not.

"well i don't know, what do you thinks in it?"

i asked with curiosity and he just gave me a confused look. he played along and shrugged.

"i don't know..that's why i asked you~ !"

he said in a cute way in which he secretly cringed at. i smiled and laughed at his cuteness and nodded.

"its douughnuuuts~!!"

i said brightly kinda shocking me a bit bit i smiled and he returned it. he walked closer to the doughnut box and tapped it gaining my attention.

"can i eat one?"

he asked basically begging with his eyes. i sighed and nodded with a look.

"bUT ONLY ONE- okay??"

i say while looking over his features carefully and he nodded while he grabbed a doughnut and bit into it with a smile. he hummed and really looked like he enjoyed it. not gonna lie, it made me want to eat one.

doyoung seemed to notice that so he came to me and ate the doughnut in front of my face with a teasing look.

"do you wanna bite?"

i shook my head in a no with a hum trying to control myself since i didn't want to eat it since i knew i'd end up eating it all in the end if i did. he leaned on his back besides the counter that was right by the oven and looked at me while smiling lowly.

"you sure~? its reallyyy good"

he said in a sing-y way i sighed and poured the tea packet into the pot and stirred it. i looked back at doyoung with a flop sided smile.

"are you kidding me ??"

i asked in a droopy voice already falling for his spell and wanting to eat the doughnut. he smiled widely and took another bite of the doughnut.

"nope. you wanna bite? i know you don't wanna eat the other doughnut haha"

i sighed and squit my eyes since he was right and i didn't want to admit it. i looked back at the boiling tea and blew it getting rid of the insane amount of bubbles and poured it into the cute tea cup.

i looked back at doyoung and he raised his brow with a knowing smile and i gave in.

"i want a bite~!!"

i said in a wanting voice while looking at doyoung. he laughed probably enjoying this too much. i just rolled my eyes mentally.

"you really want a bite?"

he asked and i nodded repeating-ly not wanting anymore teasing. he nodded and feed me a bite. i hummed and danced a little since it tasted so good.

the dough was so soft and had a sugar cookie taste with it being chewy and taste of vanilla ice cream. the icing wasn't just basic, it had this vanilla taste that was just indescribable and it had this cotton candy taste lingering on it with the toppings of cotton candy it just killed me.

i happily danced happy with the taste. doyoung just smiled and laughed at me. i returned back to doyoung wanting another bite.

A/N ;;

OKAY SO UM. it was sooooo long until i updated so i thought "hey! why not add a bonus!?" and so i diddd-i felt like writing something cute and fluffy ksjsjs

hopefully this was good since my writers block disappeared..i hope ahaha. i hope you guys liked it. its not much but i did my best.

bai mah bobae's💗💓❤💞💗💓❤


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