Chapter 3: the escape

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The luckily for us the hallway was completely empty but just as the doors opened we were met with a foul smell of rotting flesh. I gagged covering my mouth. No I had to stay strong. For Lisa. For Jin. For everybody

"Let's move" Jin gestured for everyone to start moving forward

We walked trought first hall without any troubles. Second hall was just as successful.
Suddenly Lisa next to me stopped dead in her tracks making me turn my head towards her
"Is something wro-" my eyes landed on a corpse of a boy laying on the ground across the hallway
It looked like those things ripped the guy to shreads without any mercy.
"Try not to look" Jin placed his hand on my shoulder "we can't do anything about that now, so let's just focus on getting out alive" he squeezed my shoulder reassuringly

We navigated trought the building for about 5 minutes avoiding a few monsters that were busy with their other victim. Something felt very wrong. Where was everyone?

Jins voice pearced the silence suddenly "everybody stop!" He lowered his voice. My heart almost stopped beating

The hall in front of us was all covered in blood. The smell was unbearable. Flys swarmed around hundreds of bloody half eaten bodies. There was around dozen of infected freaks devouring what was left of those poor kids

"Let's turn around" i whispered to our small group. There was a back door in the other part of the building. We could get out from there hopefully not attracting unwanted attention.
I stepped backwards keeping an eye on the monsters as they didn't seem to notice us. As we went around the corner and couldn't see the horrible sight Lisa sighed next to me
"We'll get out safely I promise" i tried to reassure her lightly squeezing her hand.
"I know" her voice was shaky as she squeezed out a small smile

Suddenly a phone rang...

The sharp noise pearced the silence making us turn our heads to the sound
"Turn if off" Jin hissed at the boy who was desperately trying to find his phone in his pockets
"I-i can't find it" he cried out
Shit... If we stayed here like this soon we'll end up just like those kids in the hall

Snarls came from the distance. They know we're here
One monster peeked his head out from the corner as he slowly started limping towards us

"TURN IT OFF!" Jin yelled at the kid making him drop his phone from his hands
Too late. More came around the corner. We had to move

"Run!" I yelled turning around as I sprinted away towards the other exit. Lisa was following right behind me
A scream echoed in the halls. They must've got one of us. I didn't stop. I couldn't stop.
One more turn. The entrance was almost there

Suddenly someone grabbed my hair making me fall to the ground. I gasped for air. The fall knocked the air out of my lungs. The freak that must've grabbed me fell on top of me pinning me to the ground
I could hear Jin calling my name from the distance but everything felt dizzy. I tried to keep the thing away from biting me but my arms were really heavy. I gathered my last strength to push it away from me when suddenly blood splatered all over my face.
A sharpened pipe was inches away from my face. I felt the monsters body go limp pressing me to the ground
"Are you alright?" Jin pushed the dead body off of me. I crawled up trying to wipe of the disgusting thing off of me. Jin had pearced it's head straight through the skull
I nodded still shaking from the attack
"Can you run?" He looked at me worried as he checked if i was injured
I nodded again "I-i think so"
"We're almost there" he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him
My legs were heavy and threatening to give up but I had to keep moving. More freaks came after us.
Luckily the doors were not blocked so we both ran outside.
There my hearth stopped for a millionth time today
The backyard was full of infested people. And now their full attention was on us.
We had to make it to the school bus. We were so close yet so far.
Me and Jin locked our eyes. There was no time to hesitate. We had to go now.
Jin started sprinting towards the nearest bus. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me ignoring the pain in my chest and the taste of blood in my mouth
The bus door came into the view when suddenly someone swung them open
"Come one hurry up!" Lisa pushed us both in as a guy closed the doors behind us
In the bus there were a few kids that made it without getting eaten
My legs gave up on me as I sat on the seat exhausted, my lungs burning from the lack of oxygen.
"How do we start this thing?" A guy with jet black hair that strangely I've never seen before asked as he sat behind the wheel. The bus didn't look like a secure place to hide
Lisa ran to help him. Luckily her father was a mechanic so she basically grew up around cars
"Hurry guys" Jin panted as he was holding the not so sturdy looking bus doors that threatened to break any minute now as those freaks had maneged to get to us and were banging on the windows
"I don't think it'll hold much longer" he gritted his teeth
I jolted up from my seat. I wasn't going to just sit and watch as he risked his life for us.
"IT WORKED!" Lisa couldn't contain her excitement as the engine started working
"I'll drive" Jin pushed the black haired boy out of the way taking control of the bus "let's get the hell away from here" he slammed the speed pedal

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