Chapter 10: few more steps

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"I'm fine Hobii" i whined following the boy around the house
"My arm is healed and I have to find Jin"
At first he didn't even want to hear a word about it but it's been a week
"Jin could be already dead for all I know" my voice cracked slightly as I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes
He let out a small sight
"Fine. If you really want to go then at least we'll go together"
I nodded wiping my eyes

Hoseok really tried avoiding the city and wanted me to do the same so I couldn't help but wonder why. Unfortunately this was one of a few things that he never talked about. Everytime that I started talking about going to look for Jin his happy expression faded in an instant. With days going by I learned that asking him was useless
But now my arm was finally healed and I learned how to use a gun as well as the bow that we used on the hunt whick Hoseok let me keep as I turned out to be a slightly better shot than him


"Do you have any plan?" He leaned in the doorway as I packed my bag while preparing
"Not really, no" i shook my head slightly "but I marked the places where we got ambushed on the map" i motioned to the peace of paper that was laying on the table.
Hobi slowly scanned the map
"They camp around the gun store and the market which you marked as safe" he muttered before taking a red marker and tracing with it on the map
"Also the whole east side of the city is completely overrun by zombies" he proceeded to cross out streets "oh and the grocery store that you marked as unsafe is just a trick to keep people out it's actually secured from the inside" this time he took a green marker and traced over the red lines. All this time he didn't even smile once like even remembering those places brought pain to him
"How do you know all of this?" I furrowed my brows only to be met by the gaze that Hobi rewarded my with everytime I asked about it


Even the air became different as soon as we stepped out of the forest. I think I get it why Hobi avoids this area so much.
Every corner was crawling with undead and we weren't even sure that Jin was even alive, and if he was, he was probably far away from here by now. I shook my head. We won't get anything done thinking like that.
I set the arrow into my bow preparing if anything came closer to us. Lucky enough for the two of us we managed to avoid zombies along the way. Without having to kill any of them.

Hobi hated killing them, that was probably why I took the bow and he only had a handgun for defense. If we had to fight it was up for me to take care of the undead. For me they were just decaying corpses but Hobi refused to kill them, maybe they still seemed human for him and maybe he was just too good for that. It was a suprise to me how he even survived so long without having to kill.

"Someone's there" he suddenly whispered dragging me to the side of the road. As soon as we went out of sight a horde of zombies appeared slowly crawling across the street, something must've attracted their attention, there were still many things we didn't know about them besides that they can only be killed if you damage the brain.
"We're cornered" i suddenly realised looking around.
"Wait let me think" Hobi peeked around the corner scanning the area
"I have an Idea" he whispered taking my hand so I could see where he was pointing
"If we run across the road there's a sewer tunnel that we can use to avoid the crowds and get to the other side of the town" even in this situation he managed to joke
But maybe he was right. The undead seemed slow enough for us to safely reach the sewer tunnels

I put the bow over my shoulder and took a knife in my free hand just in case of emergency.
"You're ready?" He asked nervously looking at me "let's try to get there unnoticed first but if they spot us run" I nodded in agreement
I held my breath and ran out of our hideout trying to keep low to the ground. With quick steps I reached a car that was parked by the side of the road and Hobi followed peeking over his shoulder "they didn't notice us" he motioned to keep moving.
We sneaked over from one car to the other sucessfully
It's so quiet... Zombie movies always seemed so noisy. It's almost halfway, few more steps and were safe.
"(Y/n) watch out!" Hoseok grabbed me by my collar holding me back as a wave of zombies appeared in front of us. A dozen maybe more was now slowly blocking the sewers and our only way out

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