Chapter 9: Hunt

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Hunt by Day6 has been stuck in my head even since I thought of the chapter name :,)
Not that I'm complaining. Hint hint it's an awesome song so you should go listen to it

"Both hands on the gun and prepare for the recoil" Hoseok instructed as he watched from the distance.
I grasped the gun aiming at one of the cans set on a wooden bench at the back of my new friends backyard.

Even how stubborn I was to go looking for Jin as soon as I could get out of bed, Hoseok convinced me to stay and regain my strength while in the mean time learn to shoot the gun.

"remove the safety and fire when you're ready" he continued explaining
I aimed carefully at an empty soda can carefuly running over the whole steps that Hoseok just explained
"I know how the safety works Hobi" I chuckled before firing the gun

"But you missed" he laughed with his usual laugh that I grew to love over these past few days that I've been staying with him.

I was suprised how he managed to secure his house with fences and mini alarm systems out of tin cans if some infected got closer. He also managed to get in and out of the town without being noticed by gangs or the walkers

"Wait here" Hobi held out his arm as he turned away and walked into the small cabin
A minute later he came out carrying a compound bow

"What is this?" I frowned examining the weapon "and where did you get it?"

"It belonged to my father" he chuckled taking out matching arrows "he was a hunter sadly I've never had anything to do with it"
"But why are you telling me this?" Suspicion raised inside of me as the boy set an arrow into the bow
"Because we're low on food and I was thinking we could go hunting" he flashed me the brightest smile I've even seen
"Right..." Was all I said


And here we were. Hiding in a shadow of a huge tree near a river where a group of young elks gathered to drink.
Slowly not to scare them away I put an arrow into the bow silently drew the bow placing my left hand next to me ear right above the jaw
"Aim carefully" hobi whispered in my ear as his eyes were fixed on a small sickly looking animal that we chose as our target
He already managed to scare one away while missing the animal with his arrow forcing us to search for another target so we decided that now he'll let me try
I closed one eye and held my breath as I let go of the string
The arrow sunk right below the elks shoulder sinking into it's chest missing the heart by a few inches
"Shit" i cursed as the elk started running away with the arrow still in it's chest

"Oh god" Hoseok looked like he was sick "we should follow it. I don't think he has the strength to run away far" he wiped his forehead before stepping out of our hiding place

We found the elk already dead and it seemed that he had hindered the arrow while running away at it had sunk into his heart making him drop dead.
"I thought you knew what we were doing" i turned back at Hobi who was as pale as paper
"Yeah I'm just not a fan of dead animal" he nodded "or dead things in general"
"Good thing it is still a baby" i kneeled down examining the animal "cause we still need to somehow carry it back home"


"Is it far?" Hoseok asked out of breath. We've been dragging the animal all the way to the cabin since there was no other way of transporting it.
"I think I see the fence already" i jumped up cheerfully as we got closer
"Look at the bright side" he plopped down in one of the armchairs as soon as we stepped through the door
"We didn't even meet any dead guys" he chuckled "and all I want to do now is change out of these dirty clothes and go to sleep "he closed his eyes already daydreaming about his bed
"Not so fast" now it was my time to laugh "we can't just leave the dead animal outside"
Hoseok lazily looked up at me
"It can attract those walking corpses and I'm not even saying that if we leave it like that tomorrow it will be rotten already and our hard work searching for food will be wasted" i laughed as he grunted trying to stand up from the chair he was so comfortably in


"We have to seperate the meat, bones, fat, and the rest of the things" i started examining the elk in front
"Wait are you afraid of blood?" I jokingly asked as Hoseok flinched when I ran the knife across the animals belly
"I'm not a fan of it" he admitted in a shaky voice
"Is that why you've never hunted with your father before?" I let out a small laugh as he nodded in agreement
"That still doesn't dismiss you from helping me skin it" i added
Neither of us had any experience with this kind of stuff except from watching movies but after a few hours we finally managed to do most of the work. Hoseok sliced the meat while I took care of other more unpleasant work like seperating the organs.
After all the dirty work it was already midnight.
"I've put it in the freezer" Hoseok came back outside wiping his hands into his white shirt. Taking out of concept he looked like a serial killer coming for his next victim
"Can we be done for tonight?" He pleaded sitting down on the grass next to me
"Hey you were the one who suggested it in the first place" i laughed messing up his hair "either way let's take the remains somewhere further from the cabin and we can go sleep"
Those words brought Hobi to life as he jumped up from the ground
"So lets go" he grabbed my hand pulling me up with him


I washed the remaining blood that had dried off on me in a basin of water that we had brought from the river earlier in the day.
Well one thing that I already started to miss was hot showers.
I looked at a pile of clean clothes next to me. I was truly lucky that Hobi found me that day in the city. He gave me shelter food and most importantly company and I was forever grateful for that
After changing into a clean shirt and shorts since he didn't have any more jeans that could fit me I walked back into the room. Hobi was already fast asleep peacefully in one of the beds
"Goodnight" i smiled at him before walking into my own room

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