Chapter 13: There's nothing for us here

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"So when can I get my bow back?" I ask as I follow G-dragons footsteps. We were walking for around an hour now as he explained how the things were around here. We walked past the pub which looked even worse from the night before.

"Yeah we're going to retreave it right now" he smiles with his eyes
"And I'll only have to guard the fences for letting me stay here?" I raised my eyebrows faking interest in our conversation.
I didn't want to stay here
I was here to find Jin and he clearly wasn't here
"Yeah we'll give you food, housing, weaponry" his smile never faded as we walked past the place they called 'kitchen'
"Besides we really need archers like you"
So thats why they kept me. They needed my bow.

Soon I retrieved my bow and a new set of arrows as a gift along with my backpack.
And now I was just roaming around the streets as my first shift only started after midnight.

This place was beyond weird. Even how much I wanted to beleave that these people were trying to survive something about this place seemed so off.

And that Yoongi dude was weird too. Did he know something about Hobi?
He wasn't his classmate for sure since he seemed a few years older, and no way in hell such different people like them could've been friends.
Someone cheerful like Hobi didn't fit a dark and misterious Sugas type.

"Sky is that you?" Suddenly A voice made me freeze in my tracks shaking me out of my thought.

I turn around slowly wondering if my mind was playing tricks or was I imagining things

And here he stood before me

The boy that I thought was dead

"Jackson?" I gasped as he hugged me tightly

"I thought you were dead" i could feel tears forming in my eyes as I blinked rapidly to hide them.
I thought Jackson died that night on the bus when he sacrificed himself so Lisa could get away.

"Well I survived" he nodded awkwardly as he backed away
"Anyway let me show you my house" he smiled brightly gesturing for me to follow him
"I have so much to tell you" he grabbed my hand as I followed him

We walked around a few blocks of abandoned buildings. The street was not as clean as around the main houses in the centre where my current place was located.

"How long have you been here?" I looked around trying to memorise the patch we have through "and why is your house so far away?"

"Oh I asked for a place a bit further from the main block" he shrugged casually "and I've been here for a couple of weeks now I don't really remember"
He reached into his pocket for something and took out a small key

Weird. They never gave me keys to my house.

"It's not much" Jackson shrugged as we walked in
"Not much?" I looked around amazed.
His place was much bigger than mine. And dirtier since it looked like he didn't clean it even once in those few weeks he stayed here.
"People are turning to monsters and you're living like a king" i joked only to notice how his eyes darkened slightly
Almost unnoticably.

"I almost turned to one ya know" he scoffed
"You're right, we should've helped you back there" i looked at my feet feeling guilty. I honestly thought that zombie got him that night.

"It's in the past now" a smile reappeared on his face as he turned away from me
"I'll make some tea, please make yourself comfortable" he walked out of the room into the kitchen leaving me alone in the huge living room.

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