Chapter 12: Sweatshirt

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I woke up covered in cold sweat, breathing heavily.
It wasn't my first nightmare since the start but it felt so real. Almost as if Hobi was still alive and I had to witness his death all over again.
It was already dark outside so I must've slept for a few hours.
Maybe a walk would take my mind off of Hoseok.

The weather was a bit cold so I put on Hobis hoodie which he lent to me the firts day I woke up in his house, the same hoodie that I spent hours washing after escaping the sewers.

Since I was already out I might as well check out this place.
It must've been pretty late since there were no people in the streets. Only a few guards on the walls but they didn't seem to mind me.
They managed to secure such a big area and I didn't even knew it existed even after visiting the town a few times. I still had my map that we used to navigate in the sewers. I took the bloody sheet of paper out of my pocket examining it once more. Since I knew where I exited the tunnels it was pretty easy to find the fenced part of the town, but one thing cought my eye. Hoseok had the whole area scribbled out with a black marker as a sign to 'never go there' or 'danger'. Strange.

Suddenly my stomach growled reminding me that I didn't have anything to eat the whole day. They took my backpack along with weapons so I didn't have any food.
But lucky me. As I walked further I started hearing peoples voices, which seemed louder with every step.
The noise led me to an old looking pub.
My guts were telling me to stay away from people but my stomach urged me to go inside in search of food. Maybe the dark roots guy is there and will give my backpack back.

The place was filled with people of all ages that were drinking and just being loud, which cought me off guard. People were having fun as if they didn't know what was happening behind their walls.

I hid in the shadows not wanting to attract any attention to myself but nobody seemed to care that I was here. 
I scanned the whole room. It looked really old as the wall paint was already starting to crack. People of all kinds of ages were sitting around round tables or by the bar either chatting or drinking. I guess food shortage wasn't really a problem to this town.
Suddenly a bowl of breadsticks cought my eyes. It was nicely placed on the bar next to a buff man that seemed to be too drunk for his own good, and he didn't really seemed like he was planning to eat it.

So desperate times call for desperate actions.
I swiftly sneaked around and sat besides the dude by the bar. But now he decided to stare at the bowl without even blinking.
"What the hell are you doing?" His voice shook me out of my dream about breadsticks as I froze in place.
"You have a problem or something?" Another drunk guy with face tattoos stepped into the scene. Thanks god, for a second I thought he was talking to me.
The two guys started bickering switching everyone's attention to them
This is bad. How the hell did I get myself into the mess?

Suddenly the drunk dude threw a punch making the tattooed man fall onto the table breaking it in the process. That was enough for a fight to break out in the pub.
Well this is my chance.

I snached the breadsticks out of the bowl and ran to the door.

And here I was in the streets again. Somehow i managed to get elbowed in the face while running out, which will probably leave a mark for a few weeks to come, but now I had a full pocket of breadstick.
It was weird having normal food again after a week of eating the meat of the elk that Hobi and I hunted down.

"What are you doing here?" A voice pearced the silence, making me drop the peace of food that I had in my hand.

It was the dark haired boy from earlier that was very suspicious of me. What was his name? Sugar? No Suga?

"I- i came out to get some frest air" i swiftly put the remaining breadsticks deeper into my pocket.
"Well you seem pretty far away from your house" he said it in such a monotone voice that it seemed like he was getting bored just by looking at me, yet somehow I got the feeling that it would be easier for me to get him on my side. So I ran up to him as he turned his back walking away

"Wait did they decide about me already?" I followed after him.
Suga only shrugged.
"What about my stuff then?" Another shrug.
"Can you at least say a word?"

"A word"
I swear to god this boy

"You don't seem to care do you?" I sighed as we walked past the sewer entrance. In the dark it looked even scarier.

"That's because I don't" his answer was short, but that's all I needed.

"Then why are you here?"
He stopped dead in his tracks almost making me bump into him
"Why do you care so much?" He chuckled turning to me.

Suddenly he froze in place as his eyes fixed on my hoodie
"Where did you get that?"

Now was my time to hesitate "where did I get what? What do you mean?"

"The hoodie!" He grabbed my hand by the sleeve "where did you get it?"

"I bought it myself" I yanked my hand from his taking a step back.
Maybe these people were the ones trying to kill us that day we showed up in the city, maybe Suga was the one that shot me, and maybe he had mistaken me for Hoseok. That's why Hobi crossed this place out of the map.

Suga just stared at me blankly as he slowly let his hand down

"You should get back to your house" with these words he turned around and walked away quickly dissapearing into the night.

(Sugas pov)

I saw her way before she saw me.
I was walking back from the 'kitchen' - a place where we stored a majority of the food gathered when the apocalypse started- when I saw her emerging from the small house whose owner recently died and the house stood unused.
Something about her seemed intriguing. I doubt someone like her would survive all alone,  maybe that was just a part of me wishing that someone was Hobi.

She walked for a while just looking around. I followed her just because I had nothing better to do anyways.

A few times she turned back but never saw me as I kept in the shadows. Good. I wasn't in the mood to chat anyways.

She walked for a good half an hour when she stumbled across the old pub where all the old creeps would gather to drink their worries away.
Why the hell would she go there? I scrunched my nose.
'I guess my small adventure of the night ends' i sighed as she dissapearing through the doors and I turned to walk back to my house

Not even a few minutes passed before she ran out of the pub eating some sort of bread as she happily jogged down the street.
What the hell is she doing? She can't go there.  The stupid girl was not heading straight for the forbidden part of the city, if she went there even on accident G-Dragon will be furious with her

So I did the thing I expected from me the least. I called out to her.

And here I was stuck with her following me asking questions.
What an annoying kid.
Although it seemed like she genuinely cared about my answer.

Then my eyes froze on one thing. She was wearing Hobis sweater. I swear I could recognize it anywhere, it was his favourite peace of clothing. Why did she have it then?

But she denied it.
Maybe I'm just slowly going out of my mind

So I left her to figure her way back on her own

Weeks passed and I still couldn't forget him. Why did that fool ran away? I could've helped him! I swore to protect him!

I yelled in frustration before picking up a rock from the ground and throwing it into a shops window making it shatter on spot.

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