Chapter 8: six days

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My head was pounding as I opened my eyes slightly. A small ray of sunshine illuminated a small wooden room.
I tried to lift my head up but immediately gave up after my shoulder started burning again. Then everything came back to me. I was shot. How did I end up in here?

I lifted my head as much as my shoulder let me, looking around as I tryed to make out where I was.

I was laying in a small wooden bed covered up in blankets. Apart from the bed there was a small drawer and a writing desk in the corner of the room.

I grunted at the thought of getting out of bed but there was no time for naps. Whoever brought me here must be around and that means more people, and more people meant better chances of surviving.
I gripped the bedsheets as I forced myself to get up. The bed creacked loudly. Hope I didn't attract any monsters.
Step by step I started limping towards the wooden door when something cought my attention. On the table rested something I wasn't expecting to see. A small handgun, unprotected and open for anyone.

I took the gun in my hands like it was a newborn baby. The cold metal pressed agains my fingertips sending shivers down my spine. Where did this person even got a gun?

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching from behind the door, someone was coming.
Not even thinking I tucked the gun begind my schools uniform skirt belt hiding it slightly under my shirt. Talking about my clothes, half of my sleeve was ripped off at the part where a wound was bandaged. But what sane person could think about clothes after being shot and waking up in a strange wooden cabin
The doors opened with a loud creek making me flinch from the sound. A boy not older than Jin peeked his head inside

"Oh you're awake" he laughed. His voice sounded strangely sweet. He went inside closing the door behind him.

"You should really be resting right now" he leaned on the drawer in the opposite side of the room

I frowned looking at him "who are you? And where am I? What happened to me? What's happening here?" As I opened my mouth, questions started spilling out. I needed answers
"Whoaah easy" he chuckled again holding his hand in front of me as if trying to stop me from having a nervous breakdown

"You've been shot. I found you and brought you here" he explained shortly. A smile never faded from his lips
"That's it?" I raised my eyebrows at him
"Look first you need to lay down and I'll tell you everything" by the tone of his voice I knew he wasn't going to compromise here
After a few agonizing steps I plopped down on the bed
"You can start now" I pulled up one of the blankets. The gun pressed against my back reminding me that it must've belonged to him. I tensed up following his every move. Every cell in my body screamed to get out of here but even if I managed to get away from the stange boy I would've just ran into some infected and got killed

"Where's Jin?" I suddenly remembered that we got split up in the city
"Sorry, who?" The boy raised his eyebrows in confusion
"The guy that was with me in the city" i tried to bring back the memories of what happened
"There was no one with you" he kept his gaze on me for a minute "you got shot by some gang that was on a hunt for supply's and passed out in the middle of the road"

I burried my face in my palms suddenly feeling very weak. How could I loose Jin like that
"But wait, maybe he's still alive, what do we know?" The boy spoke up in a cheerful tone as he noticed how defeated I felt
"You'll be up from the bed in a few days we'll go look for him" he smiled "oh and I'm Hoseok by the way"

I fixed my eyes on him trying to get a better look of him. He didn't look like a bad person at all. In fact he even helped me, and to be honest I didn't really have any other choice besides to trust him. He could've left me for the freaks to devour

"How long have I been here?" I sighed
"Six days" he looked at his phone

I closed my eyes. Six days. Jin is probably as good as dead.
"He's not dead" Hoseok spoke up bringing me back from my thoughts "if you start getting pessimistic you won't make it to other day" he smiled standing up "wait here" he flashed a cheerful smile before going leaving me alone in the room.

"Where do you think I'll go?" I muttered more to myself than to him. But for one thing he was right. Being whiny won't help Jin.

I took the gun from behind my skirt strap. Hoseoks cheerfulness managed to get me out of my dark thoughts but why was there a gun in his room?

I hid the gun under my pillow just in time as the boy bursted into the room carrying a pile of clothing

"Here" he put the pile on the side of my bed "I couldn't help but notice you were wearing your school uniform" he chuckled "I'm guessing the outbreak cought you while still in school" he chuckled lightly
"Yeah" I nodded going through the clothes that seemed rather big for me "are you not in school?" I raised my eyebrows. He seemed too young to be more than 19

"I am" he laughed at my question "I was just lucky enough to find a group of survivors when the outbreak happened"
"And where are they?"
"Oh I left them as soon as we escaped the school building" he laughed but something about his voice tone seemed rather strange.

"Is this house even yours?" Another question rose in my head
"Yeah" he answered shortly "I guess I'm just lucky to have survived this long" he shrugged
I looked away from him concentrating on the pile of clothing in front of me.
Out of the pile that Hoseok brought only one pair of jeans seemed to fit me, and to pair with them I choose an oversized black hoodie.
"I'll leave you to change and you should probably get some rest if you want to get out of bed sooner" he patted my shoulder with a smile before standing up.

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