Chapter 4: silence before the storm

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The ride was horrible. From the looks of it the whole city was overrun with corpses.
Streets were splattered with blood. We passed a few corpses but they didn't really bother. Strangely we met no survivors. Our plan was to drive out of the city as far as possible. We didn't really have food so that was another thing to worry.

I sat alone by the window looking at a passing feald. The outside of the city looked peaceful. Almost as if nothing happened back there. No virus outbreak. I could still hear the kids creams in my head. Hopefully the government will find a way to deal with it. We still didn't know what caused people to turn to cannibalism, nor if there was a cure for that.

I sighed. The whole thing left me dead tired. My legs were aching and my arms felt sore from the fight with the infected one.
I wonder what happened to my parents. Did they make it.

Suddenly sadness washed over me. Will I ever see them again?
Taehyung left behind to find his family. Maybe I should've done the same. No. I can't have regrets now, it's too late.

I wiped away a single tear that escaped my eyes. The other kids in the bus didn't look any happier. Only 11 of us survived the escape.

I looked at Lisa who was sitting alone across the bus. Her face was emotionles as she stared blankly through the window. I could only imagine what she felt and I knew she needed me to be there for her.

I stood up and slowly walked up to where she was sitting. A few kids raised up their head as I walked by.
"how are you?" I took her hand as I sat besides her
"Horrible" she let out a small chuckle
"just look at us. We don't have any food, nor water. No weapons to defend ourselves and we have no idea where we're going"

The car suddenly stopped.
"What's going on?" I looked around. We were in the middle of the woods. Probably around half an hour from the city. It was getting dark already.

"We'll be stopping here" Jin turned off the engine.
"We can't be stopping here we're not far enough" I recognized the girl from my english class "those... Infected people..." She stuttered searching for the right word "they might reach us out here"
"We'll be fine Yeri, I'm sure they're are not going to be this far" her friend stood up calming her

"Then that's settled" i looked at our small group "we sleep through the night and then think what we'll do tomorow"

The Yeri girl didn't seem to be very happy with our decision but she knew we didn't really have a choice. We were all tired and still in shock, it was probably more dangerous to keep driving in this state than to stay the night.

"Hey y/n," Jin called "wanna walk with me?" He slowly walked up to me
"Is something wrong?" Lisa raised her head up looking at the tall boy
"No" he chuckled and shook his head "I just need some fresh air thats all"
"Yeah alright I guess" i stood up. I was always annoyed with the height difference between me and Jin he was taller that me by a lot and never missed a chance to remind me that
"Just be careful. For all we know they might've wandered this far already" Lisa leaned back in her chair "I'll stay and watch over them" she smiled and squeezed my hand before letting me go

The forest was really quet. To think of it I might've heard an owl few minutes ago. I could've called it peacefull if I didn't know about the bloodbath that was going on in the city.
"So how are you really?" Jin suddenly broke the silence after a few minutes of walking alongside each other
"Well I'm scared, tired, confused, and have no idea what happened to my family or If im even going to make it through the night" I chuckled "but other than that I'm fine"
"well..." Jin opened his mouth to say something but not a sound escaped his lips "to be fair I'm terrified" he smiled sadly "i mean who isn't?" He was looking at the ground the whole time as we walked "and to think of It you're probably the only thing thats dear to me that I have left"
I small smile escaped my lips "you're always so cheesy" i chuckled
"And don't forget I'm handsome as well" for a minute Jin was back to his cocky self
"Yeah right" i rolled my eyes "then why don't you have a girlfriend?" I teased him
"Because I have you" he grinned like a child proud of something
"And the cheesiness award goes to Jin" I couldn't help but laugh
"No, but really, I'm like world wide handsome or something" he started checking himself out in an imaginary mirror
"Stop it I'm getting jealous" i laughed and nudged the tall boys arm
"Lets get back to them now" he tried to hide his smile but was still grinning like a child at a candy store

We went back in silence. Even if the world was falling apart I knew that I could always count on Jin. Well he already proved himself getting us out of the school.

"What took you so long" Lisa rushed up as soon as we stepped into the bus "you were gone so long I thought they might've got you two" she sighed in relief
"Well come here we have something interesting that you might want to see" she grabbed my and Jins hands as she walked over to where two boys and a girl were sitting

"So as you all know we're kinda short on food and other supplies" Yeri started off "and thanks to our phones we were able to track down where the hell we are" she waved her phone in her hand
"So what's your point?" Jin raised his eyebrows.
"My point is that there's a small town very close to where we are. And if there's a town there's food" she smiled and clapped her hand "we might not be screwed entirely"
A boy next to her chuckled. He had blond short blond hair "so now we just need to pick who's going on the supply run. Oh and I'm Jackson by the way, I don't think we've met yet" he smiled sweetly. I got the feeling that we would get along just fine with him
Jin and I introduced ourselfes to him and the other boy whose name was youngjae


"So that's the plan" Jackson looked up from the map that we had found next to the drivers seat.

Having a paper version was really helpful than to squeeze around a phone trying to figure the ways around this place. So far we had figured out two things
First the town was really close to this place so that meant we could go on foot. Gather supply's and any information that we could find and the others could wait in the bus safely.
The other thing was the town was really close and there was a chance it was already overrun and by that I mean those things could be wandering around here somewhere.

"Me Youngjae Lisa Jin and y/n will have to go as soon as the sun rises" Jackson continued with his plan "we go into the city having in mind that those things could be on any corner, if the town is safe then we ask around the towns people, and well if it's not" he shrugged "then we take as much as we can carry and run our asses back here" youngjae chuckled at his sassy remark
"And now if everything's clear we should try to get some sleep tomorrow's going to be a long day" he ruffled Yeris hair playfully


Jackson was right. I needed sleep, and I just couldn't fall asleep. Jin was sleeping peacefully next to me as his head rested on my shoulder. Sleeping on the bus seats weren't the most comfortable thing ever but it was the least of our worries.
I closed my eyes for the hundredth time

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