Chapter 7: Run

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"Look guys" Lisa's tired voice reached my ears as I reached the hill top. I looked back at her. She didn't move from her spot.
"What's wrong?" My heart started beating faster
"I won't go there with you" She looked at her feet as if she was ashamed of what she was about to say "It's dangerous out there" her voice cracked slightly as she spoke "I barely can walk and if the town is infected I'll just put you two in danger"
I opened my mouth trying to protest but the expression on her face was clear. She wasn't going anywhere
"You have to leave me" she pressed her back against the tree "you two go into the city. Find survivors and gather supply's. If you succeed, you'll come back for me" her voice became stern again "but I don't think there'll be much left from me" she slowly raised her sleeve.
I felt Jin next to me tense up. Lisas shoulder was swollen badly as the bitten mark got infected. The bruise spread across her arm.
I knot formed in my stomach as I tried to not look away but deep down I knew she was right
"We'll come back for you when we find the medicine" Jin was the first to speak up
She nodded and forced a smile
"It's getting late. You should go" I felt tears form in my eyes as she said those words. Yeri, Jackson, Youngjae and countless others died in that bus and now Lisa was probably going to die from the infected wound
"You can at least say goodbye" she chuckled as she held out her arms out for me

(Time skip)

The town was pretty much abandoned. Glass shards were scattered all around as we walked down a small street surrounded by empty trashed up houses. As we went deeper into the house maze, small stores and shops started to appear. But the silence seemed to be rather strange. Not a single bird nor a dead walker was anywhere to be seen
"Maybe the people managed to evacuate on time" Jin questioned as we walked past a rather old looking convenience store.
"Then why is the town so trashed?" The thought didn't leave my head
"Yeah good point" he brushed his fingers through his hair.
"We should go check the store" i stopped to take a look at the small building. Jin nodded "just try not to make any sounds. I think they react to it" I warned

As we stepped over a shattered glass door I felt strangely calm. Since the whole outbreak I was getting more paranoid and jumpy by the second but now I almost didn't feel a thing.

I looked around. The whole place was quiet. No signs of any monsters nor other survivors. I could feel Jins heavy breathing next to me.
I suddenly noticed a staircase that might be leading up to the rooftop
"Stay here and search for anything useful" i turned my back to Jin "I'll go scout the town up from the roof" i pointed to the staircase and Jin just nodded "just be careful" he added as I turned away from him

I skipped up the steps as I finaly reached the heavy doors opening up to the rooftop.
The whole town could be seen from up here. A few blocks away a few monsters were wandering around the streets. I made a mental note to avoid that side. After not finding anything much I went back down

"I packed some water and food but there's not much left here. The whole place is overrun" the tall boy handed me a small backpack with some suppies as he approached me
"Also one more thing" he chuckled "we really need to find clothes other than our school uniforms"
I just now noticed that we infact were still wearing our uniforms, or to be more exact, what was left of our uniforms. My skirt was almost completely torn but still managed to cover what needed to be covered. I chuckled. Was I in some kind of anime?
"But you look good in a uniform" I teased him as he scoffed
"I look good in general" he winked and ran his fingers through his hair as he turned his back to me walking out of the building back into the dim daylight.
I followed closely behind. The backpack on my shoulders didn't feel very heavy. Jin must've had no luck with the supply's
Jin peeked through the glass door searching for any sight of movement outside
"All clear" he opened the door leading us both outside.
"It's getting dark" i pointed out as I felt a chilling breeze on my skin

Just as Jin opened his mouth to say something a bullet flew right past his head missing him by mere inches

"GET DOWN" he grabbed my wrist pulling me behind an abandoned car seeking shelter

Another shot fired in our direction
I unconciously covered my head avoiding the small bullets as they kept coming our way

"Don't shoot!" I yelled still not abandoning our sheald "we're not monsters" I hoped that whoever was aiming at us mistook us for the rotting corpses
"They're clearly trying to kill us (y/n) " Jin hissed as he was desperately looking around for an escape
"Look they're clearly going to run out of bullets soon" I shifted closer to him "when they stop to reload we'll make an escape" The shots seemed to slow down and Jin stopped to listen "back then on the roof I noticed a shortcut out of the town just follow me"
Strangely at this moment I felt completely calm. Both of out lives depended on me now, and somehow I still managed to keep my head clear. Well I guess the constant danger was no longer getting to me. That what am apocalypse does to a person

Suddenly the shots stopped
"NOW!" I hissed sprinting out of our permanent shelter. I ran around the corner as another bullet flew at me closely missing my leg. I felt Jins heavy footsteps right besides me. Good that means he's right behind me
I ran around a corner of a shop as I tried to recreate the image I've seen on the roof. Left right and another left. My lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen as my legs threatened to give up on me. The fact that we barely got any sleep last night wasn't helping either.
So close. I could almost see a tree line in the horizon as I was met with a blank stare of a rotting corpse
"Fuck" i exlaimed stopping dead in my tracks.
"Shit" Jin breathed out as he noticed the corpse slowly turn his head to us

"They're here" I snapped my head to the direction of the unfamiliar voice
"Quick they found us!" I turned the other direction hoping to loose both the corpse and the people that wanted to kill us
Jin suddenly ran the other direcion. Was that some kind of plan of his?
But that was too late for me. Around the corner I was met with a wide street and almost no shelter to hide from the open fire. Panic slowly started to creep into my brain. From the corner of my eye I noticed a small white car. The voiced behind me were also getting louder with every second
Once again I started running. My legs were almost numb at this point but the adrenaline in my blood kept me going forward when suddenly everything went black.

Pain like fire spread from my ankle throughout my whole body. Not being able to support my body weight I fell painfully hitting the ground. I clenched my teeth trying not to scream from the pain as a bullet pearced my leg. Black mist started covering my eyes as I fought to stay concious tasting the blood in my mouth as I slowly drifted out into the void.

~More boys will come into story soon so don't worry. I also would like to hear a feedback from you guys 😁
Do you like the story so far? Because there's a lot more to come

UPDATE: Authors note~
I've been binge watching Fake love since it came out 😫. The boys will be my cause of death and the reason I came back to life (not as a zombie hopefully)

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