Chapter 2

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Part 2! Enjoy some drama, and Jefferson being a total dick to Madison (but it's okay, cos he's in pain). Enjoy, and please bear in mind that this really doesn't resemble the actual layout of NYC, as I've never been there, but they are all real places (according to Google)!


Jefferson's p.o.v

When I woke up, I was confused, disoriented, in an unfamiliar room and completely alone. Biting my lip, I looked around nervously. The alarm clock on the side told me that it was 11:47 in the morning in retina-melting red.

"Mads?" I called, trying (but not succeeding very well in) not to shriek.

Outside, there was a few bangs and crashes, and Madison arrived, out of breath, at the door. God, he looked so cute when... wait, what was I thinking?

"You're finally awake," he said, relieved. "I was starting to worry that you'd never wake up!"

"Where am I?" I cut him off as I sat up, surveying the room. The walls were painted in a dirty cream: neither mine nor Madison's, then (mine, of course, was magenta, and Mads' was bright red).

"You don't remember?" he replied, crestfallen.

"I remember leaving work at about 11..."

"Well, that morning, you'd forgotten your cane and your phone."

I fought the urge to slap myself. My cane. How could I forget my cane?

"So you must've left work, sort of staggered along for a bit before arriving at Hamilton's place around midnight. You made him get me. And that's the tale of how I woke up at half past 12 at night to Alexander Hamilton at my doorstep telling me that my best friend was on his couch sobbing in pain."

"We're at HAMILTON'S!?" I yelped, just as Hamilton's head poked around the door.

"Put some clothes on, Jefferson," he told me, and I looked down in mild amusement at my bare chest before looking back to the blushing Madison.

"Never!" I yelled back, and I heard a giggle before Phillip and a small girl's head appeared.

"Hello, Mr Jefferson," Phillip said cheerfully, and the girl repeated this, but with a cute little lisp.

"Phillip, Angelica, go see if your mother has finished breakfast yet: first one there gets a special prize!" Hamilton said, causing the children to squeal and scamper off. "Now get dressed before my daughter sees you again."

"Ooh, touchy," I shot back, careful to keep my tone jovial to not piss off my 'kindly' host, starting to haul myself up. Hamilton screwed his eyes shut, and disappeared with a bang of the door, leaving me with the now furiously red James Madison.

"I'll-" he began to say, but I cut him off by holding my hand out and looking up at him uselessly. Understanding the unspoken shame, he helped me up, gently easing the useless thing elusively named 'leg' into an upright position. The mangled muscles seemed to grate against the bone, and I was sobbing in earnest by the time I was standing.

"No more!" I commanded hoarsely, furiously wiping away the tears. "No more!"

On these sort of days, I would usually just lounge around and simply not move all day, but lounging was not an option at this point, because I still had to somehow get dressed, get out and get home.

In Sickness And In Health (Jeffmads): a Hamilton fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now