Chapter 8

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Eyyyyyy! Okay, we can have an extra-long chapter today, and they can FINALLY GET TOGETHER! Please enjoy, and I hope this makes you just a little bit happier and makes your day a bit better. OH, AND I REALISED SOMETHING! In What'd I Miss, it says "Sally, be a lamb darlin', won't you open it?" Methinks that that is a reference to Sally Hemmings, who Jefferson totally had two kids with! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Madison's p.o.v

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?" I joked, chuckling uncertainly. Pulling up a chair, he shook his head, his face serious.

"I'm going to tell you something, and you 'ave to promise me to not... 'ow you say? Freak out."

I nodded, terrified.

"Me and Thomas were emailing," he took a deep breath. "And 'e told me that... that 'e thinks 'e's in love with you."

W. O. A. H.

I was not expecting that. My jaw dropped open and my eyes widened as I stared uselessly at his giggling form. Thomas Jefferson, childish politician, mac and cheese lover, all-round universal cool guy was in love with me, slightly-shorter-than-average, jittery fanboy.

"Whaaaaaat?" I managed to say. Laf giggled even more.

"I'm guessing you like 'im as well," he said, and I nodded fervently. "I KNEW IT! Now, 'e won't ask you out in a million years because 'e's too scared, so we need to formu... formul... make a plan!"

I just nodded along, still trying to process the news.

"But how?" I asked weakly. "Spell it out in mac and cheese?"

He shook his head, fanboy phase now over.

"You two live together, right?" he asked.

"Yep," I answered, popping the 'p'.

"Do cute little things. Leave 'im anon... anony... pour l'amour de Dieu, [for the love of God/ for God's sake] unsigned notes at work to start off with. Make 'im coffee, mac and cheese, whatever. Write a 'eartfelt note, slip it in wih the post. Don't rush into it."

"Is this how you got Hercules?"

He blushed before confirming that this was indeed a tried-and-tested method.

"Bonne chance, mon ami! [Good luck, my friend!]" he called back to me before hurrying out of the door, leaving me as confused as ever.

Jefferson's p.o.v

Laf came out of James' room grinning like an egotistical maniac.

"You wanna go out with 'im?" he asked. Very direct.


"Be cute. Try not to be subtle as a brick as you usually are. Bonne chance, mon ami!"

And with that he was gone, leaving me bewildered in the hallway.

Lafayette's p.o.v

Heh heh.

Jefferson's p.o.v

In Sickness And In Health (Jeffmads): a Hamilton fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now