Chapter 12

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Okayyyy so... Chapter 12, eh? Please enjoy, and remember to RR, my lovelies!


Jefferson's p.o.v

Unfortunately, the recovery period was now over and we had to go back to boring ol' work. Madison for one seemed eager to get back; he was getting restless at home with nothing to do.

"Alarm on?" he asked as I lay down in his room.

"Yes, and I don't see why we can't sleep in my bed," I protested lightly. He snapped the light off, shaking his head as he padded over to join me.

"It's in the middle of the fricking corridor and it hasn't got proper sheets!" he replied, lying next to me. "Here's fine."

I chuckled, tying my hair into a loose bun. He regarded me curiously, yawning a little.

"I'm not tired!" I complained, even though I was and my eyelids felt like they were being weighed down by a thousand tonnes. "I don't wanna sleep, Mads!"

"See how that suits me," he mumbled, his voice faint. "I'm going to sleep."

Soon, he was snoring lightly, and I allowed myself to smile a little at his cuteness. I yawned, my hand on my leg as I dropped off to sleep. I was not anticipating the next day with much joy.


When the alarm went off, I'm gonna be honest, it hurt like hell. Groaning, my hand slapped along the bedside table, trying to find the off button to make the high-pitched squealing shut up. Opening my eyes slowly, I started when I saw that Mads wasn't lying next to me.

"Jemmy?" I called carefully, dragging myself up and towards the kitchen. He was sat on the sofa in the living room, fully dressed with a cup of tea (splash of milk, 2 sugars) in his hand. He grinned at me in my disheveled state, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"God, you're really not a morning person, are you?" he said rhetorically as I tried and failed three times to find the coffee pot, still half-asleep. I finally found it, sipping the bitter dark liquid like it was a magical potion before reaching into the fridge and pulling out a tub of cold mac and cheese, grabbing a fork and digging in, much to James' disgust.

"What?" I asked, my mouth full.

"Ew, that's just gross, but whatever," he said, placing his book down on the side of the sofa. "Well, I've been up since 3, so all your clothes are on the chair and I've left your meds on the side."

I smiled gratefully at him through the mac and cheese.

"Have you taken your antibiotics?" I asked, suddenly remembering the missing spleen. He nodded, and I slumped all the way to the bedroom. He'd set out all of my non-purple clothes, and I pouted for a moment before getting changed at the speed of light, spying my glasses at the bottom of the pile. "Why are my glasses here?" I called. "You know I wear contacts now!"

"You look sexier with glasses," he shouted back, and I nervously put them on to please him, surveying myself in the mirror. The clarity was startling, considering that I hadn't worn them since France. Shrugging to no-one in particular, I let my hair loose and shuffled back into the living room.

"Hamilton is gonna have an absolute field day with this one," I grumbled, pushing the blasted things further up the bridge of my nose.

"There's nothing wrong with them," James insisted, pecking me on the cheek cheerfully. "Ready to go, babe?"

I patted down my pockets. Phone? Check. Wallet? Check, but probably empty. Keys? Check. Cane? Grabbed it, and check.

"Ready," I confirmed, slipping into my comfortable purple trainers. I will never be defeated on the purple front! "Walking or driving?" I asked when we stepped out into the street.

James scrunched up his adorable little face as he peered skywards.

"If you feel up to it, we could walk," he suggested meekly. Shaking my leg a little, it felt fine so we headed towards the government building (A/N: I know it all happens in Washington D.C, just roll with it).

"Traffic's awful," I remarked as as strolled down 181st, holding hands tightly.

"I know," he replied, surveying the long line of stressed-looking business people in their Range Rovers and their Nissans. "Hate to be stuck in it."

There's two types of conversation with us. There's the easy, naturally flowing type, and then there's the forced one which is awkward and best left in silence. Today was the latter, and we walked along quielty, but soon my leg began to get tired and I was lagging behind a little, my limp more pronounced.

"Should've taken the damn car," Mads muttered, pulling me over to a bench and looking me over worriedly. "Are you okay? Do we need a couple more days off?"

"I'm fine, just a few tired muscles," I said, standing back up, feeling much better already. I couldn't confine him to the apartment any longer. "It's only 2 or 3 more block, isn't it?"

Madison's p.o.v

We made it to the government building just in time.

"Does everyone know about us yet?" I asked.

"Probably, but we'll act... not-together until we're sure," Thomas replied, kissing our joint hands before releasing me and striding confidently into the huge lobby, heading straight to the large office space like a man on a mission: I was hot on his heels.

As soon as we entered the communal office area, we were assaulted by balloons, party poppers and applause from every angle.

"Welcome back!" Washington announced over the din, beckoning Burr and Hamilton forward. They were carrying a huge cake which read: Welcome back, and congrats on finally getting together! Giggling, I watched Thomas brandish the knife as if it were Excalibur and cut the cake dramatically, wrapping his free arm around my waist.

"Thank you, guys," I said, flashing a smile around the room. "It means a lot."

"We just ask that you keep this away from the press," Thomas added nervously. "We don't need that kind of attention."

Everyone nodded solemnly, John Jay already munching on a piece of the rich chocolate cake. As I looked closely at it, there appeared to be rainbow sprinkles in it.

"Washington, Burr, Hamiltrash, over here!" Thomas called as people gathered into small throngs. The three came over, intrigued. Thomas fidgeted a little, so I took over.

"We were wondering if you three, your wives, maybe a few friends" I began, but Thomas cut me off.

"You three, Eliza, Theodosia, A-Anglica, Maria, Laf, Laurens and Herc," he rambled. I marvelled at his chill.

"Yeah, would you like to come over for drinks? We could get some pizza, do karaoke, whatever. No kids, though."

They all nodded eagerly, and Alexanded pulled out his phone.

"I'll make a group chat!" he said excitedly, and we complied, heading to our desks for a day of hard work.


The next chapter will be a group chat chapter, kay? Hope you enjoyed, hugs and kisses all round.

In Sickness And In Health (Jeffmads): a Hamilton fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now