Chapter 9

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Heeeeyyy!!!! Who's on Easter break? C'est moi! Updates may be very frequent for the next two weeks, but I also have a bit of a horrible cold so... yeah.


Madison's p.o.v

When we woke up, I think it might have been the middle of the night, as the room was pretty much pitch black, only a thin stream of light illuminating Thomas' face.

"Thomas?" I whispered, and he mumbled a little in his sleep before his eyes slid open.

"Yeah, love?" he said equally as quietly, and I felt a warm feeling blossom in my chest at the nickname.

"Are we really going out?"

By the faint glow of the streetlight which filtered through the blinds, I saw him smile.

"Course we are, babydoll."

I hugged him fiercely around the middle, burying my face in his stomach. His skin was soft and smooth, and yet I could feel the impressive muscles underneath.

"You're so beautiful," I murmured, tracing the features of his face with a delicate finger.

"I know you are, but what am I?" he replied, and I smiled back at him.

"You know what I'm talking about," I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. Thomas slipped his hand into my hair, pulling me closer into his chest. I snuggled into him, and his body heat helped sooth my tight chest.

"Feeling any better?" he asked, drawing patterns in my chest.

"It gets worse before it gets better."

He frowned then, shifting away for a moment to put his hand to my forehead.

"You're a bit warmer than earlier," he observed. His voice was better than any painkiller for my aches, the soft Southern twang reminding me of home. I sniffed feebly, pulling him close again.

"Don't ever leave me," I told him as I dropped off to sleep again.

Jefferson's p.o.v

He was ever so cute, lying there with me. His short cropped curly ebony hair, his dark chocolate smooth skin, his short yet adorable stature... I don't think there's one thing I couldn't say I didn't love about him. His breathing, however, was laboured and raspy, and it worried me immensely. I made a mental note to mention it to the doctor on the morning rounds. I wrapped my arms securely around him, and at that moment vowed to myself that I would protect this perfect little human being at any cost.

He was mine, and I wanted it to stay that way.


I woke up when I heard the doctor come in for his rounds. James stayed asleep, which would make this considerably easier.

"Doctor Franklin?" I asked nervously, sitting up carefully as so not to wake up the angel. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned to me, smiling kindly.

"Thomas, isn't it?" he replied, shaking my hand firmly as I nodded. "What can I do for you, son?"

"I think he's ill," I babbled. "He says it's just a cold, and he gets colds a lot, but it seems worse than normal, I just wanted to check with you."

He looked concerned as he brought out an ear thermometer, checking his temperature: Mads didn't even stir. The thermometer read 100.4F, a fever, but not too bad. A quick listen to his chest, and Franklin seemed satisfied.

"You did the right thing in being concerned," he said, making me gasp. "But I think it's just a cold. If the fever reaches 103F or persists for more than 4 days, bring him back here. I'm signing the release papers."

He passed me a few sheets of paper, said to hand them into the front desk and left the room.

"Jemmy," I whispered, shaking him awake. He opened one eye, his face breaking out into a grin when he saw me.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, stealing a kiss before I showed him the discharge forms.

"You're free, my prince!" I exclaimed, and I would've whirled him around if I could have. He giggled, but it soon dissolved into a coughing fit and I found myself rubbing his back, whispering soothing words in his ear.

"Why do I get colds so much?" he groaned.

"Because your immune system sucks."

I helped him sit up, grabbing the sick clothes from the backpack which I'd totally forgot about. "You want help getting changed?"

Madison's p.o.v

I nodded my head, holding up the cast uselessly. I took the gown off and Thomas slipped the King's College t-shirt on for me.

"You got the sweater?" I asked, and he brought it out with a flourish. "I can't wait to go home!"

"Me neither," he agreed, planting a kiss on my forehead. "How are we getting back?"

"We can get a cab..." I began to say, but the look of pure fear in his eyes cut me off. "Okay, bus?"

"If you can figure out the timetable, sure."

I giggled, kissing him again, my hand tangled in his hair. He pulled away, and I made an indignant noise.

"Ah, ah, ah, when we get back," he smirked, and I smiled back.

It would be perfect as soon as we were out of here.


"I HATE BUSES!!!!" Thomas yelled, jabbing his finger at the timetable. I hopped from one foot to another, my bruised legs getting more tired by the minute. "It says here that it was supposed to be here HALF AN HOUR AGO!"

"Calm down," I said inbetween coughs, wrapping my free arm around my chest and pushing my way forward. "Well, for a start, that's not our bus. Our bus comes in 5 minutes, Thomas."

He watched me shiver, and suddenly his arms were enveloped around me, warming my numb body. Self-consciousness gone (if you can't see them, they can't see you, people), I leant into his warmth.

"How about that bus ride?"


Sorry for the shortness after the last mega-chapter! Typos are very likely on this chapter as it was edited on my phone and my phone is stupid. Hope you enjoyed, and the next few chapters are gonna be fluffy hurt-comfort. Please RR!!

In Sickness And In Health (Jeffmads): a Hamilton fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now